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Review of Death to the Daleks by dema1020

16 November 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This had a lot of potential.  At first I was really excited by the idea of the Daleks being off balance in this story.  Lacking their usual power, it really looked like they would need to make a sort of uneasy truce with the Doctor and humans to survive on a strange alien world.  That idea has a lot of potential for a story.  Unfortunately in execution, it feels like a bit of an unfocused mess.  The Doctor and Sarah Jane remain strong here, but the story and everything around them is pretty lacklustre.  I did like the design of the Type V Daleks used here.  They just stand out a little bit and help them being taken seriously in a story where they kind of aren't the biggest threat.  There are fun moments to that but it really doesn't come together.  The aliens look way too goofy for me to take them seriously and too many of these episodes end on awkward little cliffhangers that kept taking me out of the story.  I didn't have a good time with this one.