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Review of Colony in Space by dema1020

11 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

A truly awful experience on the whole, I struggled to get through Colony in Space and can definitely see why it has a rough reputation.

This should be an exciting story as the Third Doctor gets his first foray off of Earth, and instead it is a bit of a mess. I found the story boring and we spend way too much time focused on a dirty, tired man wrapped in a blanket, who just seems like he doesn't want to be here - something I found relatable as I watched this slogfest.

Pertwee can be an excellent Doctor but I think handles the more physical stuff a lot better in his head than what we get on screen. This is definitely a serial that shows his more awkward side compared to what I like about him as a performer in this role. The TARDIS interior also definitely experiences a very rough transition to colour, to say the least.

And, once again, the Master shows up at last minute, really just a source of amusement at this point for this season where he appears every story. We then have some slightly interesting ideas about politics and colonialism come to a head, and the story just sort of ends after that. Jo doesn't really have much to do here, but than again, who does? It's a shame, but you can do a lot better for stories of this era and with these characters, so it is hard to express any enthusiasm for Colony in Space.


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