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Review of Cold Fusion by 15thDoctor

7 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Its the character moments in this that make Cold Fusion really sparkle. The interactions between Tegan and Chris pretending to be the Australian “Mr Jovanka” are priceless.

Unlike other multi-doctor stories they don’t get caught up in the boring process of comparing personalities - as there is actually a plot and they have something to do (even if it is just a bit of a run around). The idea of having the 7th Doctor as more of a background figure means that his presence continues to pack a real punch whenever he pops up.

After listening to it twice over the last couple of months I’m still not sure I 100% understand all of the facets of the plot - but it’s thoroughly enjoyable nonetheless (and it gives me an excuse to spin it a third time some day).


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