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Review of Castrovalva by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

What a marvellous team Nyssa, Tegan, Adric and the Fifth Doctor make - suddenly these companions make total sense with this softer, younger Doctor. The show needs to reset every so often, it’s part of its strength, it is exciting to be entering a new era.

Davison’s initial turn as The Doctor is excellent - he has emotion and range, especially impressive when mimicking the first and second Doctors, an excellent piece of fan service from Bidmead. Surely the most explicit nods to the past since The Three Doctors. His take on Troughton is particularly strong.

I’m surprised, once again, that Adric gets such a hard time from fans. Honestly, I think Matthew Waterhouse is a more natural and confident actor than our other companions. Ainley’s Master continues to receive mixed opinions from me. I'm not sure about how he pitches his performance, but I think I’ll get used to it. It might help to have a bit of a break from his character. The Master’s disguise in Castrovalva genuinely fooled me - so that’s a definite plus.

The story is quite pedestrian but it gives a great platform for Davison to stretch his muscles. I like how the locals to Castrovalva are revealed to be an intellectual book reading race after a rather uncertain introduction, only to then be revealed as an entirely false projection by The Master. Very cool. The M.C. Escher-esque reveal of Castrovalva being altered to fold in on itself is also brilliant.


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