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Review of An Unearthly Child by Immortalauthor

21 February 2025

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I like this story. I think it's a great first episode. It introduces the characters in a way that shows their individual personalities, their strengths, and their weaknesses. It also, showcases the different characters' relationships with one another very well. I think as far as a pilot episode goes, it's not bad.

Even though there are parts I would call 'cringy' and others I would call tedious, I do really enjoy this episode. I like the way Ian challenges the Doctor, I love a companion with opinions (even though I don't always agree with those opinions). I also just think it's really nice to see Ian, Barbara and Susan are helping these people who have spent all this time trying to kill them because they know that the cavemen just know no better. And the fact that the Doctor is just completely averse to this is fascinating. It's like the opposite of every Doctor Who story today where the Doctor is like, 'Hey. We need to save these people.' and the humans are like, 'Ew. No.' It's like he learned from the best. (The best being all of his companions.)


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