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The Capitol

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The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

The Time Savers

Time War 4

3. Dreadshade

Average. Rating: 66%

Gallifrey: Time War 2

4. Assassins

Average. Rating: 71%

Gallifrey: Time War 2

3. Collateral

Average. Rating: 70%

Gallifrey: Time War 2

2. Partisans

Average. Rating: 61%

Gallifrey: Time War 2

1. Havoc

Average. Rating: 66%

Gallifrey: Time War 1

4. Desperate Measures

Average. Rating: 69%

Gallifrey: Time War 1

1. Celestial Intervention

Average. Rating: 67%

Doom Coalition 4

2. Songs of Love

Average. Rating: 69%

Titan Comic: Summer Events

Supremacy of the Cybermen

Average. Rating: 68%


1. Enemy Lines

Average. Rating: 77%

Doom Coalition 1

1. The Eleven

Average. Rating: 77%


1. Intervention Earth

Average. Rating: 67%

Gallifrey S3

4. Mindbomb

Average. Rating: 81%

Gallifrey S3

3. Appropriation

Average. Rating: 73%

Gallifrey S2

5. Imperiatrix

Average. Rating: 81%

Gallifrey S2

3. Pandora

Average. Rating: 80%

Gallifrey S2

1. Lies

Average. Rating: 78%

Gallifrey S1

3. The Inquiry

Average. Rating: 72%

Big Finish Short Trips

8. Jealous, Possessive

Average. Rating: 42%

Main Range

11. The Apocalypse Element

Average. Rating: 66%

Main Range

1. The Sirens of Time

Average. Rating: 66%

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

18. The Tides of Time

Average. Rating: 71%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin

Average. Rating: 71%

Classic Who S14 • Serial 3 · (4 episodes)

The Deadly Assassin

Average. Rating: 78%