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Time Lord Victorious timeline order guide



30th July 2024 (ratings updated live)

Time Lord Victorious was a multi-media event that took place in 2020. It centers around the Tenth Doctor and the events that happened after he tried to save Adelaide Brooke in The Waters of Mars. It also features the Eighth and Ninth Doctors in big roles.

It can be difficult to know how to tackle this event because it features a lot of different media in an order that is not completely clear. This guide will give my take on a reading order and highlight how important every part is to the overarching plot. My main recommendation is to go all in and do as much as possible because that is most fun but not everything is that important.

The reading order is based on the Reddit user u/Dyspraxic_Sherlock guide that I have modified a bit.

Prelude: The Bringers of Death

Some stories introduce you to the race of Kotturuh and are a great starting point for the event. Nothing in this section is essential.

Time Lord Victorius

The Dawn of the Kotturuh

Rating: 3.45

The Dawn of the Kotturuh
Short story

Time Lord Victorius

The Guide to the Dark Times

Rating: 2.95

The Guide to the Dark Times
Doctor Who Annual 2021 – Short story

Act 1: The Time Lord Victorious

This is where the story really kicks off. The TV story and the novel is essential reading.

The Waters of Mars
Essential for the story

What the TARDIS thought of “Time Lord Victorious
Blog – Short story

BBC Books

The Knight, The Fool and The Dead

Rating: 3.78

The Knight, The Fool and The Dead
Essential for the story

Act 2: Enter The Daleks

The story of how the Daleks became a part of this story. None of this is essential but it gives a nice backstory to the event. This is especially true for the YouTube miniseries and the Titan comic. This does take place before Act 1 but I recommend reading this in the following order. 

Time Lord Victorious

The Last Message

Rating: 3.12

Time Lord Victorious Trailer (“The Last Message”)

Time Lord Victorius

The Last Message – A Mission to Destiny

Rating: 3.07

The Last Message
Eaglemoss – Short Story
It can be hard to find but it is optional.

Daleks! – The Archive of Islos

Daleks! – The Sentinel of the Fifth Galaxy

Daleks! – Planet of the Mechanoids

Daleks! – The Deadly Ally

Daleks! – Day of Reckoning

Time Lord Victorious

Defender of the Daleks

Rating: 3.42

Defender of the Daleks
Titan Comics

Act 3: The Doctors Gather

This tells the story of how the Eighth Doctor and the Ninth Doctor ended up in the Dark Times. This does take place before Act 1 but I recommend reading this in the following order. I would consider the Eighth Doctor audios essential and they are really good. The Novel is also essential.

Time Lord Victorious

Echoes of Extinction

Rating: 3.25

Echoes of Extinction (Eighth Doctor)
Big Finish Audio Drama
Just listen to the Eight Doctor part of this

Time Lord Victorious • Episode 1

He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not

Rating: 3.63

He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not
Big Finish Audio Drama
Essential for the story

Time Lord Victorious

The Enemy of My Enemy

Rating: 3.56

The Enemy of My Enemy
Big Finish Audio Drama
Essential for the story

Monstrous Beauty
DWM – Comic
The Ninth Doctors part to the Dark Times.
Essential for the story

Time Lord Victorius

Can I Help You?

Rating: 1.81

Can I help you?
Not essential at all.

BBC Books

All Flesh is Grass

Rating: 3.69

All Flesh is Grass (ONLY CHAPTERS 1-3)
Essential for the story

Act 4: After the Battle

This finishes the main part of the story. Most of it is not essential but the books and the audios are recommended here.

Time Lord Victorious

Tales of the Dark Times

Rating: 2.79

Tales of the Dark Times
Comic Creator

BBC Audio Originals

The Minds of Magnox

Rating: 3.51

The Minds of Magnox
BBC Audiobook
Essential for the story

Time Lord Victorius

Mission To The Known

Rating: 3.05

Mission to the Known
Eaglemoss – Short Story

BBC Books

All Flesh is Grass

Rating: 3.69

All Flesh is Grass (Chapters 4-16)
Essential for the story

Time Lord Victorious

Mutually Assured Destruction

Rating: 3.58

Mutually Assured Destruction
Big Finish Audio Drama
Essential for the story

Time Lord Victorius

Exit Strategy

Rating: 3.22

Exit Strategy
Eaglemoss – Short Story

Time Lord Victorious

Echoes of Extinction

Rating: 3.25

Echoes of Extinction (Tenth Doctor)
Big Finish Audio Drama

Epilogues: The Aftermath

It is time to wrap up the story. This story has four different epilogues. 

Ten’s Final Days

None of these are part of the event but they show what happened to the Tenth Doctor after this event. 

Short Trips

The Shattered Hourglass

Rating: 3.64

The Shattered Hourglass
Big Finish Audiobook

The Dalek Survivor

The Big Finish story is really nice. I have not done the Escape Hunt but this is where it fits in. 

Time Lord Victorious

Genetics of the Daleks

Rating: 3.61

Genetics of the Daleks
Big Finish Audio Drama

Time Lord Victorious

A Dalek Awakens (escape game)

Rating: 2.94

A Dalek Awakens
Escape Room

The Time Fracture

None of these are essential – they are more crucial for the Time Fracture Experience than the TLV event.

14681 UNIT Field Log

14682 UNIT Field Log

14683 UNIT Field Log

14684 UNIT Field Log

Time Lord Victorious

Time Fracture

Rating: 4.26

Time Fracture
Live Experience

The Forgotten Faction

I recommend finishing the event with this short story.

BBC Books


Rating: 4.07

Short story

That’s everything in the event! Well almost. There is also a DLC to the game The Edge of Time that adds some collectibles to the game but does not really tell a story. 

If you want to have a spreadsheet with all this information you can get it here.

If you complete and rate every story above (except for the game, live experiences, T-Shirt, Time Fracture stories and Dalek! Stories) you will earn a badge!

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