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Stories set in the Stone Age

22nd February 2024

2 minute read

The secret of fire, animal skins and savagery – the Stone Age is a dangerous place for the Doctor and his companions to visit. Join them on a trip through the distant past of human civilisation.

TV Comic

Pursued by the Trods

Rating: 2.94

500,000 BC – Pursued by the Trods:

From the pages of TV Comic – The Second Doctor and his grandchildren, John and Gillian are being pursued and it is their deadly enemies – the Trods. Landing on prehistoric Earth, they are confronted by a herd of mammoths and then the Doctor is captured by the Trods. Can his recorder playing save him?

100,000 BC – The Cave of Skulls, The Forest of Fear & The Firemaker:

Often considered a separate ‘adventure’ to the first ever episode of Doctor Who, these three under-appreciated episodes see Ian and Barbara thrown into the stone age with their uncommon companions, Susan and the Doctor. It’s brutal, grimy and thrilling.

BBC Books

The Eight Doctors

Rating: 2.50

100,000 BC – The Eight Doctors: 

In the first BBC Eighth Doctor novel – written by Terrance Dicks – the Doctor finds himself travelling through past adventures and here manages to convince his earlier self not to brain Za with a rock.

BBC Books

The Men Who Sold the World

Rating: 3.27

100,000 BC – The Men Who Sold the World:

Rex Matheson, CIA agent and Torchwood associate, is thrown back in time to the Stone Age where he meets a caveman named Bent Low, in this Torchwood novel.

c30,000 BC – Medicine Man:

The Tenth Doctor and Gabby interfere with an alien operation to harvest Neanderthals so they can fight in an Arena of Fear.

BBC Books

Only Human

Rating: 3.76

c29,185 BC – Only Human:

The Ninth Doctor and Rose travel to the Stone Age, in this BBC book, on the trail of other time travellers with plans to wipe out homo sapiens. They encounter a neanderthal tribe and Rose accidentally marries its leader.

c2600 BC – The People’s Temple:

The Eighth Doctor takes Sam Jones to visit Stonehenge but they arrive a little early and become involved in the machinations of the Bear Men. A Short Trip from the BBC, also available as an audiobook reading – read by Paul McGann.

Dr. Men

Dr. Twelfth

Rating: 4.11

? – Dr. Twelfth: 

The Twelfth Doctor finally catches up with an errant Missy in the Stone Age in this entry into the Mr Men series.

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About deltaandthebannermen
Doctor Who fan, husband, Disney fan, father of two, Christian, Primary School Teacher, Love musicals, TV addict – not necessarily in that order.