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Stories set in the Ancient Past

13th February 2024

7 minute read

What ancient civilisations were in existence millions of years ago? When and where, exactly, did Cybermen and Ice Warriors first evolve? Were humans the first signs of life on Earth or were there civilisations before us? This guide will help you discover the answers.

Genesis of the Daleks and Exploration Earth

Exploration Earth

Rating: 2.75

4,500,000,000 BC – Exploration Earth ~ The Time Machine:

An oddity from BBC Schools radio programming which demonstrates how Doctor Who often has the occasional extra-curricular adventure away from the ‘official’ show. The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane help us to understand about how the planet Earth was created.

3,000,000,000 BC – Venusian Lullaby:

The First Doctor, Ian and Barbara arrive on Venus in this Missing Adventure set directly after Susan’s departure at the end of The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Paul Leonard’s world-building details an ancient Venusian civilisation threatened by alien invaders.

The Companion Chronicles S8 • Episode 5

The Beginning

Rating: 3.32

450,000,000 BC – The Beginning:

The first story in a trilogy involving a Gallifreyan called Quadrigger Stoyn, played by Terry Molloy. This story also details the First Doctor and Susan’s departure from Gallifrey and their earliest adventure in time and space. It is part of Big Finish’s Companion Chronicles range which sees original companion actors (in this case, Carole Ann Ford) recounting stories of their adventures with the assistance, usually, of one other voice artist.

140,000,000 BC – Time-Flight:

Visiting the very beginnings of the planet Earth, we find not only the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan but also two Concordes, the Xeraphin and the Master fully embroiled in one of his nefarious, convoluted plans.  Poor, much-maligned Time-Flight deserves your love and affection if only for the brilliant three-man Concorde crew of Captain Stapley, Scobie and Bilton, three of Doctor Who’s forgotten heroes.

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

A Glitch in Time

Rating: 3.39

c100,000,000 BC – A Glitch in Time:

A nexus point in prehistory draws the Seventh Doctor and Ace whereupon they discover a group of humans who are hunting mammals only for a group of super-evolved dinosaurs to materialise from a future where humans never evolved. Paradox time!

Bernice Summerfield S9 • Episode 2

The Adolescence of Time

Rating: 3.33

65,000,000 BC – The Adolescence of Time:

Using Bernice’s time ring, her son Peter, is transported back to prehistoric Earth where he is captured by aerial cousins of the Silurians and Sea Devils. Using the same time ring, buried in rock for millions of years, Benny eventually arrives to rescue her son from being sacrificed to the Wurm.

64,999,500 BC – The Boy That Time Forgot:

Big Finish are rarely shy of disappearing down the rabbit hole of continuity and this story, featuring the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa goes down a path that few fans, probably, had thought to explore. Their reunion with a long-since-dead friend is sometime considered an egregious folly but there is lots to enjoy in this adventure, not least a giant scorpion named after Tegan and a return of Block Transfer Computations.

c48,000,000 BC – The Keys of Marinus:

In the enormous, intricately researched A History, by Lance Parkin and Lars Pearson, the dating of expanded universe stories which are linked to The Keys of Marinus leads to a dating, for this story, of thousands of years BC. The First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan are press-ganged into searching for the missing components to a machine which controls the consciences of the entire planet’s population. Discuss this story here in our TV Club thread.

The Early Adventures S1 • Episode 1

Domain of the Voord

Rating: 3.54

c48,000,000 BC – Domain of the Voord:

The Early Adventures involved a mixture of narration and full cast – often involving recasts.  The first release of this range was a sequel to The Keys of Marinus featuring William Russell and Carole Ann Ford performing as both the Doctor and Ian, and Susan and Barbara respectively. It’s a great story for developing the Voord in some very clever ways as well as recreating the atmosphere of Season 1 effectively.

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

The World Shapers

Rating: 3.95

c47,000,000 BC – The World Shapers

The DWM comic strip takes the Sixth Doctor, Peri, Frobisher and an older Jamie McCrimmon to the planet Marinus where they discover not only a dying Time Lord and his TARDIS but also a shocking evolution of the Voord.

Dates Unknown – World Enough and Time & The Doctor Falls:

The genesis of at least one branch of Cybermen is depicted in this grand finale to Series 10 with the Twelfth Doctor, Bill, Nardole and Missy arriving on a huge spaceship.

Date Unknown  – Spare Parts:

An audio story from Big Finish which needs little introduction is this Fifth Doctor and Nyssa adventure which finds the duo on Mondas in the very early days of the population’s conversion to Cybermen.  It is tragic, scary, unsettling and superbly acted throughout.  

BBC Books

The Taking of Planet 5

Rating: 3.86

c12,000,000 BC – The Taking of Planet 5:

Time Lords versus HP Lovecraft’s Elder Gods is a battle the Eighth Doctor, Fitz and Compassion find themselves embroiled in, in this BBC Book – a sequel, of sorts, to Image of the Fendahl.

BBC Books


Rating: 3.60

C3,639,878 – c2,579,868 BC – Genocide:

The Eighth Doctor, Sam Jones and Jo Grant travel through time to prevent Tractites from wiping out human civilisation while it is still in its infancy, in this early Eighth Doctor Adventure from BBC Books.

Other TARDIS travels to the Ancient Past:

Power Play – Nuclear waste is being dumped, via a time corridor, to the Cambrian Period by Dominicus, a planet-assassin.

City of Death – the explosion of Scaroth – last of the Jagaroth’s spacecraft provides the energy which creates life on the planet Earth.

The Hand of Fear – the Kastrian criminal Eldrad is banished from his home planet and after a catastrophic explosion, his hand ends up on Earth to be discovered by Sarah Jane Smith, millions of years later.

Invasion of the Mindmorphs – The Twelfth Doctor escapes a T-Rex.

Benny’s Story: The Eighth Doctor and Benny end up, briefly, in the distant past of Epsilon Minima.

Bloodtide – the opening of this Sixth Doctor audio from Big Finish gives us one of our few glimpses into Silurian civilisation.

Earthshock – a space freighter packed with Cybertroops and one teenage mathematical genius, crashes into Earth and wipes out the dinosaurs.

Time Bomb – The Sixth Doctor and Frobisher are sent back to prehistoric Earth by a time cannon.

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About deltaandthebannermen
Doctor Who fan, husband, Disney fan, father of two, Christian, Primary School Teacher, Love musicals, TV addict – not necessarily in that order.