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Fourth Doctor

Filled with wanderlust and a renewed curiosity towards exploring time and space, the Fourth Doctor left all ties of his previous incarnation’s exile behind on Earth, setting off to travel the universe, taking advantage of his freedom once more.

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Classic Who S12 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)


Average. Rating: 64%
Average rating: ★ 3.46
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Classic Who S12 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)

The Ark in Space

Average. Rating: 72%
Average rating: ★ 3.85
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Classic Who S12 • Serial 3 · (2 episodes)

The Sontaran Experiment

Average. Rating: 58%
Average rating: ★ 3.17
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Classic Who S12 • Serial 4 · (6 episodes)

Genesis of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 85%
Average rating: ★ 4.42
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Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Giant Robot

Average. Rating: 68%
Average rating: ★ 3.60
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Classic Who S12 • Serial 5 · (4 episodes)

Revenge of the Cybermen

Average. Rating: 50%
Average rating: ★ 2.78
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Classic Who S13 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

Terror of the Zygons

Average. Rating: 70%
Average rating: ★ 3.78
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Doctor Who Annuals

1. A New Life

Average. Rating: 45%
Average rating: ★ 3.25
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Doctor Who Annuals

2. The Hospitality on Hankus

Complete Completed?

Doctor Who Annuals

3. The Psychic Jungle

Complete Completed?

Doctor Who Annuals

4. The Sinister Sponge

Complete Completed?

Doctor Who Annuals

5. Neuronic Nightmare

Complete Completed?

Doctor Who Annuals

6. Avast There!

Complete Completed?

Doctor Who Annuals

7. The Mission

Complete Completed?

Classic Who S13 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)

Planet of Evil

Average. Rating: 59%
Average rating: ★ 3.25
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Classic Who S13 • Serial 3 · (4 episodes)

Pyramids of Mars

Average. Rating: 76%
Average rating: ★ 4.01
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Classic Who S13 • Serial 4 · (4 episodes)

The Android Invasion

Average. Rating: 63%
Average rating: ★ 3.44
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Classic Who S13 • Serial 5 · (4 episodes)

The Brain of Morbius

Average. Rating: 75%
Average rating: ★ 4.01
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Target Collection

Doctor Who And The Loch Ness Monster

Average. Rating: 71%
Average rating: ★ 3.73
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Classic Who S13 • Serial 6 · (6 episodes)

The Seeds of Doom

Average. Rating: 78%
Average rating: ★ 4.14
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Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen

Average. Rating: 67%
Average rating: ★ 3.55
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BBC Audio Single Releases

Doctor Who and the Pescatons

Average. Rating: 39%
Average rating: ★ 2.96
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Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 77%
Average rating: ★ 4.00
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Doctor Who Annuals

1. War on Aquatica

Average. Rating: 40%
Average rating: ★ 3.05
Complete Completed?