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Gallifrey S1

1. Weapon of Choice

Average. Rating: 70%

Gallifrey S1

2. Square One

Average. Rating: 70%

Gallifrey S1

3. The Inquiry

Average. Rating: 72%

Gallifrey S1

4. A Blind Eye

Average. Rating: 77%

Gallifrey S2

1. Lies

Average. Rating: 78%

Gallifrey S2

2. Spirit

Average. Rating: 77%

Gallifrey S2

3. Pandora

Average. Rating: 80%

Gallifrey S2

4. Insurgency

Average. Rating: 73%

Gallifrey S2

5. Imperiatrix

Average. Rating: 81%

Gallifrey S3

1. Fractures

Average. Rating: 73%

Gallifrey S3

2. Warfare

Average. Rating: 75%

Gallifrey S3

3. Appropriation

Average. Rating: 73%

Gallifrey S3

4. Mindbomb

Average. Rating: 81%

Gallifrey S3

5. Panacea

Average. Rating: 74%

Gallifrey S4

1. Reborn

Average. Rating: 70%

Gallifrey S4

2. Disassembled

Average. Rating: 82%

Gallifrey S4

3. Annihilation

Average. Rating: 70%

Gallifrey S4

4. Forever

Average. Rating: 68%

Gallifrey S5

1. Emancipation

Average. Rating: 59%

Gallifrey S5

2. Evolution

Average. Rating: 55%

Gallifrey S5

3. Arbitration

Average. Rating: 60%

Gallifrey S6

1. Extermination

Average. Rating: 67%

Gallifrey S6

2. Renaissance

Average. Rating: 71%

Gallifrey S6

3. Ascension

Average. Rating: 71%

Dark Eyes 3

1. The Death of Hope

Average. Rating: 65%

Dark Eyes 3

2. The Reviled

Average. Rating: 59%

Dark Eyes 3

3. Masterplan

Average. Rating: 74%

Dark Eyes 3

4. Rule of the Eminence

Average. Rating: 63%


1. Intervention Earth

Average. Rating: 67%


1. Enemy Lines

Average. Rating: 77%