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Dalek Emperor

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Dalek Emperor

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Classic Who S4 • Serial 9 · (1/7 episodes intact)

The Evil of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 75%

(No Series)

The Ultimate Adventure

Average. Rating: 28%

(No Series)

Dalek Attack

Target Collection

The Evil of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 73%

Main Range

7. The Genocide Machine

Average. Rating: 69%

Main Range

15. The Mutant Phase

Average. Rating: 65%

Main Range

33. Neverland

Average. Rating: 80%

The Stageplays

The Ultimate Adventure

Average. Rating: 53%

The Stageplays

Seven Keys to Doomsday

Average. Rating: 55%

(No Series)

City of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 46%

(No Series)

Evacuation Earth

Average. Rating: 26%

BBC Books

The Emperor Dalek’s New Clothes

Average. Rating: 60%

Daleks! • Episode 1

1. The Archive of Islos

Average. Rating: 47%

Daleks! • Episode 2

2. The Sentinel of the Fifth Galaxy

Average. Rating: 49%

Daleks! • Episode 3

3. Planet of the Mechanoids

Average. Rating: 51%

Daleks! • Episode 4

4. The Deadly Ally

Average. Rating: 48%

Daleks! • Episode 5

5. Day of Reckoning

Average. Rating: 51%

Gallifrey: Time War 4

4. Homecoming

Average. Rating: 70%