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Written by David Whitaker

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Classic Who S1 • Serial 3 · (2 episodes)

The Edge of Destruction

Average. Rating: 64%

Dalek Annuals

Dalek Planetarium

Average. Rating: 29%

Dalek Annuals

1. Invasion of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 38%

Dalek Annuals

2. Red for Danger

Average. Rating: 32%

Dalek Annuals

3. The Oil Well

Average. Rating: 31%

Dalek Annuals

4. The Message of Mystery

Average. Rating: 17%

Dalek Annuals

5. The Secret of the Mountain

Average. Rating: 27%

Dalek Annuals

6. City of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 34%

Dalek Annuals

7. The Humanoids

Average. Rating: 26%

Dalek Annuals

8. The Small Defender

Average. Rating: 33%

Dalek Annuals

9. The Monsters of Gurnian

Average. Rating: 27%

Dalek Annuals

10. Break-Through!

Average. Rating: 26%

Dalek Annuals

11. Battle for the Moon

Average. Rating: 28%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Daleks

Average. Rating: 74%

Classic Who S2 • Serial 3 · (2 episodes)

The Rescue

Average. Rating: 70%

Classic Who S2 • Serial 6 · (2/4 episodes intact)

The Crusade

Average. Rating: 62%

Doctor Who Annuals

1. The Lair of Zarbi Supremo

Average. Rating: 56%

Dalek Annuals

1. The Mechanical Planet

Average. Rating: 42%

Dalek Annuals

2. The Secret Struggle

Average. Rating: 20%

Dalek Annuals

3. Treasure of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 20%

Dalek Annuals

4. The Five-Leaf Clover

Average. Rating: 23%

Dalek Annuals

5. The Invisible Invaders

Average. Rating: 21%

Dalek Annuals

6. The Log of the “Gypsy Joe”

Average. Rating: 22%

Dalek Annuals

7. The Orbitus

Average. Rating: 19%

Dalek Annuals

8. The World That Waits

Average. Rating: 29%

Dalek Annuals

9. Manhunt

Average. Rating: 28%

Dalek Annuals

10. Masters of the World

Average. Rating: 20%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Crusaders

Average. Rating: 69%

(No Series)

Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.

Average. Rating: 59%

Classic Who S4 • Serial 3 · (0/6 episodes intact)

The Power of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 77%