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DOCTOR: Oh, the blossomiest blossom. That's the only sad thing. I want to know what happens next. Right, then. Doctor Whoever-I'm-about-to-be. Tag, you're it.
— Thirteenth Doctor, The Power of the Doctor
DOCTOR: Love, in all its forms, is the most powerful weapon we have. Because love is a form of hope. And like hope, love abides. In the face of everything.
— Thirteenth Doctor, Demons of the Punjab
DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor.
MABLI: A doctor of medicine?
DOCTOR: Well, medicine, science, engineering, candyfloss, LEGO, philosophy, music, problems, people, hope. Mostly hope.
— The Tsuranga Conundrum
Tags: Speech
DOCTOR: There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do!
— Seventh Doctor, Survival
DOCTOR: Our lives are different to anybody else’s. That’s the exciting thing. There’s nobody in the universe can do what we’re doing.
— Second Doctor, The Tomb of the Cybermen
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