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Victory of the Doctor

1. Didn’t You Kill My Mother?

Average. Rating: 74%

Classic Who S15 (Minisode)

The Final Battle

Average. Rating: 69%

60th Anniversary Specials (Children in Need) (Minisode)

Destination: Skaro

Average. Rating: 63%

BBC Books

Doom’s Day: Out Of Time

Average. Rating: 37%

Doom’s Day: Dying Hours

4. The Crowd

Average. Rating: 40%

Doom’s Day: Dying Hours

3. The Howling Wolves of Xan-Phear

Average. Rating: 32%

Doom’s Day: Dying Hours

2. A Date with Destiny

Average. Rating: 47%

Doom’s Day: Dying Hours

1. Dawn of an Everlasting Peace

Average. Rating: 47%

Classic Who S20 (Minisode)

The Passenger

Average. Rating: 68%

BBC Books

Doom’s Day: Hour One

Average. Rating: 50%

(Comic Relief) (Minisode)

Lenny Henry Regenerates into David Tennant

Average. Rating: 35%

Classic Who S9 (Minisode)

Defenders of Earth!

Average. Rating: 66%


Prologue – Clara

Average. Rating: 60%

Torchwood Main Range

65. Death in Venice

Average. Rating: 56%

Gallifrey: War Room 1

4. The First Days of Phaidon

Average. Rating: 70%

Gallifrey: War Room 1

3. Collateral Victim

Average. Rating: 65%

Gallifrey: War Room 1

2. The Passenger

Average. Rating: 54%

Gallifrey: War Room 1

1. The Last Days of Freme

Average. Rating: 63%

Classic Who S2 (Minisode)

The Storyteller

Average. Rating: 62%

(No Series)

Lost in Time

Average. Rating: 17%

Classic Who S22 (Minisode)

The Eternal Mystery

Average. Rating: 61%

Classic Who S17 (Minisode)


Average. Rating: 59%

Torchwood Main Range

48. Lease of Life

Average. Rating: 70%

Gallifrey: Time War 4

4. Homecoming

Average. Rating: 70%

Gallifrey: Time War 4

3. Beyond

Average. Rating: 71%

Gallifrey: Time War 4

2. Dissolution

Average. Rating: 65%

Gallifrey: Time War 4

1. Deception

Average. Rating: 58%

The Diary of River Song 8

4. Queen of the Mechonoids

Average. Rating: 50%

The Diary of River Song 8

3. A Forever Home

Average. Rating: 55%

The Diary of River Song 8

2. A Brave New World

Average. Rating: 57%