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Doctor Who Season One • Episode 6


Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 3


Average. Rating: 76%


2. Lost Hearts

Average. Rating: 56%

Torchwood Main Range

83. Disco

Average. Rating: 76%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 2

The Devil’s Chord

Average. Rating: 65%

Dark Gallifrey

1. Morbius Part 1

Average. Rating: 73%

Sontarans vs Rutans

2. The Children of the Future

Average. Rating: 75%

Everywhere and Anywhere

3. Sins of the Flesh

Average. Rating: 83%

Everywhere and Anywhere

2. All’s Fair

Average. Rating: 76%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 2

Wild Blue Yonder

Average. Rating: 78%

The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles

4. Broken Hearts

Average. Rating: 86%

Tales of the TARDIS • Serial 6

The Curse of Fenric (TOTT)

Average. Rating: 74%

Tales of the TARDIS • Serial 5

The Time Meddler (TOTT)

Average. Rating: 69%

Tales of the TARDIS • Serial 4

The Three Doctors (TOTT)

Average. Rating: 71%

Tales of the TARDIS • Serial 3

Vengeance on Varos (TOTT)

Average. Rating: 67%

Tales of the TARDIS • Serial 2

The Mind Robber (TOTT)

Average. Rating: 72%

Tales of the TARDIS • Serial 1

Earthshock (TOTT)

Average. Rating: 71%

Torchwood Main Range

76. Odyssey

Average. Rating: 59%

Once and Future

6. Time Lord Immemorial

Average. Rating: 64%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 10

2. The Butler Did It

Average. Rating: 51%

Torchwood: Among Us 3

12. The Apocalypse Starts at 6 PM

Average. Rating: 63%

Torchwood: Among Us 3

10. Doomscroll

Average. Rating: 62%

Torchwood: Among Us 3

9. How I Conquered the World

Average. Rating: 67%

Torchwood: Among Us Part 2

8. Pariahs

Average. Rating: 64%

Torchwood: Among Us Part 2

7. Cuckoo

Average. Rating: 72%

Torchwood: Among Us Part 2

6. At Her Majesty’s Pleasure

Average. Rating: 68%

Purity Unleashed

1. Broadway Belongs to Me!

Average. Rating: 61%

Torchwood: Among Us Part 1

3. Misty Eyes

Average. Rating: 74%

Torchwood: Among Us Part 1

2. Colin Alone

Average. Rating: 63%

Once and Future

1. Past Lives

Average. Rating: 68%