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Dark Gallifrey

1. The War Master Part 1

Torchwood Main Range

84. The Restoration of Catherine

Average. Rating: 54%

The Seventh Doctor Adventures: The Last Day Part Two

The Last Day Part Two

Average. Rating: 58%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 8

Empire of Death

Average. Rating: 63%

Tales of the TARDIS

Pyramids of Mars (TOTT)

Average. Rating: 61%

Dark Gallifrey

3. Morbius Part 3

Average. Rating: 68%


3. Slow Beasts

Average. Rating: 61%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 1

Space Babies

Average. Rating: 56%

The Casebook of Paternoster Row

2. Pater Noster

Average. Rating: 42%

The Casebook of Paternoster Row

1. Anne of a Thousand Light Years

Average. Rating: 42%

The Fourth Doctor Adventures 13

1. Storm of the Sea Devils

Average. Rating: 52%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Buried Threats

2. The Running Men

Average. Rating: 51%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Buried Threats

1. A Theatre of Cruelty

Average. Rating: 51%

Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

The Church on Ruby Road

Average. Rating: 71%

The Revenge of Wormwood

3. The Ghost of Bannerman Road

Average. Rating: 59%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 3

The Giggle

Average. Rating: 76%

Torchwood Main Range

78. Oracle

Average. Rating: 56%

In the Night

1. Pursuit of the Nightjar

Average. Rating: 78%

Purity Unbound

2. The Corruptions

Average. Rating: 46%

Purity Unbound

1. Girl in a Bubble

Average. Rating: 59%

James Robert McCrimmon

1. Jamie

Average. Rating: 59%

Purity Unleashed

3. Time-Burst

Average. Rating: 51%

Torchwood: Among Us Part 1

4. Moderation

Average. Rating: 59%

Conflicts of Interest

2. The Edge of the War

Average. Rating: 46%

Torchwood Main Range

72. Thirst Trap

Average. Rating: 67%

All of Time and Space

2. The Yearn

Average. Rating: 62%

Torchwood Main Range

70. Double Part 2

Average. Rating: 61%


Secret Diary of a Rhodian Prince

Average. Rating: 75%

Time War 5: Cass

2. Vespertine

Average. Rating: 60%

Doctor Who Specials

The Power of the Doctor

Average. Rating: 65%