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The Dream Team

2. Dream Team

Average. Rating: 64%

Sontarans vs Rutans

3. Born to Die

Average. Rating: 66%

The Seventh Doctor Adventures

The Last Day Part One

Average. Rating: 57%

Everywhere and Anywhere

1. Spirit of the Season

Average. Rating: 73%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Audacity

3. The Great Cyber-War Part 2

Average. Rating: 70%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Audacity

2. The Great Cyber-War Part 1

Average. Rating: 69%

The Return of Jo Jones

2. The Conservitors

Average. Rating: 47%

Time War 5: Cass

1. Meanwhile, Elsewhere

Average. Rating: 59%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 7

2. Lay Down Your Arms

Average. Rating: 54%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 7

1. The Seas of Titan

Average. Rating: 54%

Rose Tyler 2

2. Now is the New Dark

Average. Rating: 56%

Silver and Ice

2. The Ribos Inheritance

Average. Rating: 50%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 5

2. The False Dimitry

Average. Rating: 47%

Unbound: Doctor of War 1

3. The Difference Office

Average. Rating: 54%

Unbound: Doctor of War 1

1. Dust Devil

Average. Rating: 68%

Torchwood Main Range

50X. The Black Knight

Average. Rating: 69%

Doctor Who Specials • New Year Special

Eve of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 64%

Doctor Who S13 (Flux) • Episode 6

The Vanquishers

Average. Rating: 60%

Doctor Who S13 (Flux) • Episode 5

Survivors of the Flux

Average. Rating: 63%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 3

2. The Curse of Lady Macbeth

Average. Rating: 53%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 3

1. The Hunting Season

Average. Rating: 57%

Doctor Who S12 • Episode 6


Average. Rating: 62%

Torchwood Main Range

34. Expectant

Average. Rating: 52%

Torchwood Main Range

32. Smashed

Average. Rating: 47%

Torchwood Main Range

31. The Vigil

Average. Rating: 59%

Time War 3

1. State of Bliss

Average. Rating: 57%

Ravenous 3

1. Deeptime Frontier

Average. Rating: 65%

Doctor Who Specials • New Year Special


Average. Rating: 59%

Doctor Who S11 • Episode 7


Average. Rating: 67%

Doctor Who S11 • Episode 4

Arachnids in the UK

Average. Rating: 63%