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Dominant Species

7. Dominant Species

Average. Rating: 42%
Average rating: ★ 3.39
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Torchwood Main Range

85. Art Decadence

Average. Rating: 56%
Average rating: ★ 3.77
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2. Face of the Apocalypse

Average. Rating: 50%
Average rating: ★ 3.17
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All of Time and Space

1. All of Time and Space

Average. Rating: 69%
Average rating: ★ 3.91
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Subscriber Short Trips

3. The Haunting of Bryck Place

Average. Rating: 47%
Average rating: ★ 3.44
Complete Completed?

Silver and Ice

1. Bad Day in Tinseltown

Average. Rating: 35%
Average rating: ★ 2.74
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The Year of Martha Jones

3. Deceived

Average. Rating: 46%
Average rating: ★ 3.15
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Main Range

259d. Brightly Shone The Moon That Night

Average. Rating: 45%
Average rating: ★ 3.15
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Torchwood Main Range

25. Night of the Fendahl

Average. Rating: 46%
Average rating: ★ 3.11
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Missy S1

3. The Broken Clock

Average. Rating: 69%
Average rating: ★ 4.07
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The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume 2

1. Infamy of the Zaross

Average. Rating: 62%
Average rating: ★ 3.58
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Torchwood Main Range

14. The Dollhouse

Average. Rating: 25%
Average rating: ★ 1.93
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Torchwood One: Before the Fall

2. Through the Ruins

Average. Rating: 53%
Average rating: ★ 3.47
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Titan Comics

The Fourth Doctor: Gaze of the Medusa

Average. Rating: 69%
Average rating: ★ 3.71
Complete Completed?

The Early Adventures S1

3. The Bounty of Ceres

Average. Rating: 52%
Average rating: ★ 3.38
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The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 1

3. Random Ghosts

Average. Rating: 62%
Average rating: ★ 3.82
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Torchwood Miracle Day • Episode 10

The Blood Line

Average. Rating: 52%
Average rating: ★ 3.03
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Graceless S1

3. The End

Average. Rating: 59%
Average rating: ★ 3.65
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Jago & Litefoot S1

2. The Bellova Devil

Average. Rating: 46%
Average rating: ★ 3.13
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Doctor Who S5 • Episode 1

The Eleventh Hour

Average. Rating: 82%
Average rating: ★ 4.24
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The Companion Chronicles S2

2. Helicon Prime

Average. Rating: 45%
Average rating: ★ 2.99
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Main Range

100b. My Own Private Wolfgang

Average. Rating: 62%
Average rating: ★ 3.63
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Doctor Who S3 • Episode 6

The Lazarus Experiment

Average. Rating: 49%
Average rating: ★ 2.65
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Doctor Who S3 • Episode 5

Evolution of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 56%
Average rating: ★ 3.00
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