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About Tengirl

18 • martha jones lover • tumblr is @tengirl
☑ Completed
258 stories
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☒ Not yet completed
6195 stories
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♥ Favourited
29 stories
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Recent Activity:

1 month ago
☑ Completed: Hell Bent
1 month ago
☑ Completed: Heaven Sent
Added it to ♥ Favourites
1 month ago
☑ Completed: Face the Raven
1 month ago
☑ Completed: Sleep No More
1 month ago
☑ Completed: The Zygon Inversion
1 month ago
☑ Completed: The Zygon Invasion
1 month ago
☑ Completed: The Woman Who Lived
1 month ago
☑ Completed: The Girl Who Died
1 month ago
☑ Completed: Before the Flood
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Based on tengirl's watch history, ratings, and favourites, view their personalised stats. More coming soon! Work in progress

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(Coming soon, for now just visit the Quotes tab)

More profile improvements coming soon!

Favourite Doctors, Characters, Companions, Villains • Tier lists! • Story and Collectable Lists • Decorations • And more!!

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