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Doctor Who Season One • Episode 8

Empire of Death

Average. Rating: 62%

Tales of the TARDIS

Pyramids of Mars (TOTT)

Average. Rating: 61%

Torchwood Main Range

81. Tube Strike

Average. Rating: 64%

60th Anniversary Specials

The Daleks in Colour

Average. Rating: 60%

60th Anniversary Specials (Children in Need) (Minisode)

Destination: Skaro

Average. Rating: 62%

Once and Future

5. The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50

Average. Rating: 76%

Once and Future

3. A Genius for War

Average. Rating: 70%

BBC Books

Doom’s Day: Hour One

Average. Rating: 50%

Torchwood: Among Us Part 1

2. Colin Alone

Average. Rating: 64%

Subscriber Short Trips

4. Gobbledegook

Average. Rating: 48%

Torchwood Main Range

68. The Empire Man

Average. Rating: 56%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 6

2. Last of the Zetacene

Average. Rating: 50%

The Fourth Doctor Adventures 11

5. Peake Season

Average. Rating: 57%

The Fourth Doctor Adventures 11

4. Shellshock

Average. Rating: 55%

(No Series)

Tia Kofi Enters the Time Fracture!

Average. Rating: 32%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 5

2. The False Dimitry

Average. Rating: 47%

The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Volume 3

2. The Phantom Piper

Average. Rating: 59%

Torchwood Main Range

60. Infidel Places

Average. Rating: 54%

The Fourth Doctor Adventures 11

1. Blood of the Time Lords

Average. Rating: 71%


1. The Ordeal of Peladon

Average. Rating: 67%

Short Trips

The Lichyrwick Abomination

Average. Rating: 69%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 3

2. The Curse of Lady Macbeth

Average. Rating: 53%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 3

1. The Hunting Season

Average. Rating: 57%

The Diary of River Song 9

2. Terror of the Suburbs

Average. Rating: 58%

Torchwood Main Range

53. Empire of Shadows

Average. Rating: 58%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 2

2. Fright Motif

Average. Rating: 63%

Torchwood Main Range

52. Madam, I’m

Average. Rating: 73%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 1

2. Cataclysm

Average. Rating: 57%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 1

1. Sphere of Freedom

Average. Rating: 61%

Time Lord Victorious

Echoes of Extinction

Average. Rating: 69%