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My Favourite Quotes:

realdoctor has favourited 9 Quotes

RUBY: We made it. The human race, we survived. We went to the stars. And ten minutes ago, Doctor, just ten minutes ago, you said genocide. Your people are gone.


RUBY: How do you keep going?

DOCTOR: For days like this, Ruby Sunday. I don't have a people. I don't have a home. But I don't have a job, either. I don't have a boss, or taxes or rent or bills to pay. I don't have a purpose or a cause, or a mission, but I have... ..freedom. And so I keep moving on, to see the next thing, and the next, and the next. And sometimes... it looks even better through your eyes.

Space Babies

DOCTOR: Oh, that's good. DuBarryDuPlessy is a starwide organisation. It means they can take in lots of refugees.

RUBY: Oh. Well, can't we call them for help?

JOCELYN: They don't go and fetch refugees. That's the fate of every refugee in the universe. You physically have to turn up on someone else's shore. And we can't move.

Space Babies

DOCTOR: The Time Lords were murdered. The genocide rolled across Time and Space, like a great big cellular explosion. Maybe it killed her too.

RUBY: Doctor, God...

The Devil’s Chord

RUBY: You're scaring me now.

DOCTOR: That thing must be part of the Pantheon. Oh, Ruby, there are vast powers beyond the universe. I told you, when we first met. I said, I said the Toymaker... And defeating him took everything. It ripped me in half.

RUBY: But you survived.

DOCTOR: It literally... it tore my soul in half. I can't survive that again. The Toymaker said... he said, he warned me, he said, "My legions are coming. My legions are coming." He said, "My legions are coming."

The Devil’s Chord

DOCTOR: We're all dead eventually. There's hardly any time that we're not dead. Which is a good thing, too. We've got to keep the pace up, otherwise nothing would get done. Dying defines us. Snow isn't snow until it falls.

RUBY: Snow...?

DOCTOR: Yeah, snow. We all melt away in the end, but something stays. Maybe the best part.


“A sad old man once told me, what survives of us is love.”

— , Boom

DOCTOR: Oh, yes! We are in Wales. Spectacular!

RUBY: How can you tell?

DOCTOR: Oh... That smell. That green. That coastline, Ruby. Oh, the rocks and the water, it never ends. The war between the land and the sea.

73 Yards

“I can't think of a synonym for keeping your distance. I suppose, to coin a new word, in Latin, it would be semper distans. Always distant. She's semper distans to you.”

— , 73 Yards

“73 yards. I have measured it 100 times. I've measured it a thousand times. It's 73 yards.”

— Ruby Sunday, 73 Yards