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About Ninejackrose

unwell about torchwood
☑ Completed
576 stories
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1 stories
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☒ Not yet completed
5833 stories
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♥ Favourited
172 stories
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★ Rated
575 stories
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Average Rating
3.77 / 5
71 stories


Recent Activity:

4 days ago
☑ Completed: The Hollow Choir
Rated it ★★★
16 days ago
☑ Completed: For Tonight We Might Die
Rated it ★★★½
16 days ago
☑ Completed: Empire of Death
Rated it ★★★½
16 days ago
☑ Completed: The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Rated it ★★★
16 days ago
☑ Completed: Four Doctors
Rated it ★★★
1 month ago
☑ Completed: War of the Sontarans
Rated it ★★★
1 month ago
☑ Completed: The Halloween Apocalypse
Rated it ★★★½
Added it to ♥ Favourites
1 month ago
☑ Completed: End Game
Rated it ★★★★
1 month ago
☑ Completed: Hacked
Rated it ★★★½
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