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It took me a lot of listens to get my head around this one, which was due to a combination of things, primarily being very distracted by work stress. Also I don't think there was enough variation in Frazer Hines' voices, so getting a sense of multiple characters being there was not easy. Finally, though I get the premise (at last), I don't think that premise works so well on audio. The crew lands in Switzerland at some point in the future. I got no sense of Switzerland from the audio, it was just some city... Anyway, the city has two versions existing simultaneously, one where things have fallen to ruin, one where people haven't caved to despair. This is the result of some experiment, we find out at the end. The shifts between the two versions might have looked good on screen, but I never got much feel for it in the audio. The Hawkers, big metal birds that envelop people and turn box-shaped might look great onscreen, but conceptually they make no sense whatsoever, and what explanation we get for them is weak. There's a mildly interesting idea here about the world you live in being the one you decide to live in, but the execution leaves something to be desired. kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 23 February 2025 · 243 words Lethbridge-StewartUnited Nations kevinwho Spoilers Review of United Nations by kevinwho 23 February 2025 This review contains spoilers! The first of two books, Intelligence Taskforce being the second one, United Nations draws on elements previously seen in the series, bringing in members of the Russian and American military and or intelligence community, setting up a situation that once again will require international cooperation to resolve. There's nothing in this one that's actually about setting up UNIT, but there's certainly a good deal done to sow the seeds. Actually, whenever the subject is mentioned, it's clear that the idea is met with a ton of resistance. The plot of this book itself revolves around people who affect the laws of probability. I know I've seen this idea used somewhere before, but darned if I can remember where. In any case, it's handled well here and makes for some really compelling action. This plot is not resolve in part one, but it does reach a good, logical stopping point, setting up the action to be picked up in another location in part two. I like how Fiona is handled here too. It's a little tough, as we know enough about Alistair's life to know that their relationship won't last, so it's bittersweet to see how much good there is in their relationship. If there's one downside to the book it's that the focus on the international elements means that we don't get so much time with the series regulars (other than Lethbridge-Stewart). A necessary evil for where this two-book journey needs to go. kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 8 January 2025 · 192 words The Companion Chronicles S6 • Episode 11The Jigsaw War kevinwho Spoilers Review of The Jigsaw War by kevinwho 8 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! In a way, this story really has the feel of a stage play. Mostly, it's a two-person script, with a smaller third role, which is not an uncommon construction. In that vein, the story works very well throughout the bulk of the audio. It becomes clear fairly early that things are happening out of sequence, and Jamie is trying to work out the sequence. It's a bit vague how he knows he needs to work out a sequence, exactly, but that does not detract from the fun of trying to work things out. For me, the story lets us down at the end. When Jamie works out the answer, I didn't find that particularly satisfying. And at the very end, the characters head off to... It really, really feels like they're about to go into the next part of the story. Except there is no next part. I had this weird feeling like I was missing the second disc of the story. That came as a particular letdown as I had really been enjoying the story and I wanted to get what happens next. So, a good story that ends rather suddenl-- kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 4 January 2025 · 65 words BBC BooksHelana and the Beast kevinwho Spoilers Review of Helana and the Beast by kevinwho 4 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! A very basic Beauty and the Beast variant. I was all set to complain that there's no whiff of any Doctor Who connection, but then the Doctor himself actually shows up towards the end, mutters some technobabble and solves the problem. Not much to it, but this one does fit the remit (Doctor Who + fairy tale) better than most of the stories in the collection. kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 4 January 2025 · 258 words BBC BooksSnow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday kevinwho Spoilers Review of Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday by kevinwho 4 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! Well, I guess with "seven" as the common, um, denominator, Justin Richards could not resist welding together fairy tale dwarves with a Doctor Who stage play. The result is nonsensical. Some despot king gets someone to make a machine that will destroy everything. Why would he want that? Never explained. Why would the tradesman build such a machine? How would he know how? Why make it so that it only works with seven keys? There's no sense behind any of that, but at least the king is poisoned and killed so later, an evil queen can decide she wants the keys so she what? No idea, But Snow White has to stop her. Since the machine requires all seven keys to function, she finds one and destroys it. Oh, no, she doesn't do that. Instead she finds all seven keys, brings them to the room with the Doomsday Machine, and then attempts to destroy them. Really? Fortunately when she breaks one key, it explodes and blows up...somehow not in her own face, but in the face of the evil queen who pushes her away just as she breaks the key, so that the queen is caught up in the explosion and no one else is harmed. That queen had some great timing. If it sounds like I thought this was a terrible effort, well, yes. But at least it presents the life lesson that if your actions are dumb enough, everything will work out alright in the end. But at least the title is fun. kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 3 January 2025 · 117 words BBC BooksThe Twins in the Wood kevinwho Spoilers Review of The Twins in the Wood by kevinwho 3 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! Finally! One of the Time Lord Fairy Tales is all about the Time Lords! Well, okay, there are no Time Lords whatsoever in it, but it takes place on Gallifrey! Well, okay, in takes place in some forest on Gallifrey that is nowhere near any populated area, and could be any forest on any planet, but at least a couple of locations get name-dropped. Based on the fairy tale Babes in the Wood, the skin is the same, but the babes don't die when they're covered with leaves. Honestly, I don't know what the reader is supposed to take from this story. Except maybe further proof that twins and Doctor Who do not a winning combination make. kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 2 January 2025 · 72 words BBC BooksThe Scruffy Piper kevinwho Spoilers Review of The Scruffy Piper by kevinwho 2 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! One of the few Time Lord Fairy Tales to actually include the Doctor, this one actually has him center stage, and it is all the better for it. The Second Doctor as the Pied Piper, Cybermats in the role of the rats, heck the space station is even named Hamlyn. Just as unoriginal as the rest of the collection, this one actually feels like something they might have done in the show. kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 1 January 2025 · 137 words BBC BooksJak and the Wormhole kevinwho Spoilers Review of Jak and the Wormhole by kevinwho 1 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! Some of the Time Lord Fairy Tales take a old story and do something different with it. Some don't, and all they really do is change the names and substitute a Doctor Who monster for the original. This is one of those. Jack becomes Jak, the beanstalk is now a wormhole, and the Giant is replaced by Nimon. One major difference is that Jak gets to keep the cow! Rather than selling it for some magic beans, he stops on his way to market to help a dying man and gets money in exchange for the promise to destroy some unknown device. He can't figure out how to destroy it, so the wormhole does indeed open, but the story pretty much plays out the same otherwise. Could be a fine bedtime story for a tot, I suppose. kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 1 January 2025 · 239 words BBC BooksAndiba and the Four Slitheen kevinwho Spoilers Review of Andiba and the Four Slitheen by kevinwho 1 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! I had to check where the material for this story was stolen, as it really did not jump out at me. The source is the Arabian Nights tale, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. I can see that in retrospect, as the Slitheen ship contains barrels of jewels for no reason at all to do with the story except to tie in to the source. Andiba is not some greedy Ali Baba stealing any of these jewels. Instead we get a story of some Slitheen wanting to mine a mineral, which unfortunately is located right under a town. A town that COMPLETELY COINCIDENTALLY has a factory that produces vinegar. Lots and lots of vinegar. Puh-lease. And if anyone can explain to me how it is that the Slitheen land on this planet, talk among themselves, and a local eavesdropper can understand what they're saying with no TARDIS translation matrix around, that would be great too. Okay, well, aside from the unbelievably convenient setup of having the Slitheen go to a place that produces great quantities of the thing that can destroy them, the story is fine. Well, other than the last Slitheen being fooled into drinking vinegar by the most obvious ruse imaginable. At least the writing is decent, and Six One Three does sound vaguely like Sesame. And apparently, the going rate is 1 Slitheen = 10 Thieves, so I guess that's the lesson to be learned from this fairy tale. kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 1 January 2025 · 90 words BBC BooksThe Gingerbread Trap kevinwho Spoilers Review of The Gingerbread Trap by kevinwho 1 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! Yes, it's Hansel and Gretel. Nothing is changed. Well, the names of Hansel and Gretel are changed. Oh, and the witch is now a Krillitane. But otherwise, it's the same story. Kids in the woods find a gingerbread house, the owner captures them, they kill the owner and escape. The Krillitane is a fine choice to substitute for the witch, but really, I don't know what the point is. Maybe a fairy tale to read to kids who like Doctor Who but don't already know the Hansel and Gretel story? kevinwho View profile Like Liked 0 Show All Reviews (22) Sorting, filtering, and pagination, coming soon!