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JOY: She died on Christmas Day. On Christmas Day! I said goodbye on an iPad! Because of the rules! She died alone! And those awful people and their wine fridges, and their dancing, and their parties, and I listened to them, and I let my mother die alone! So I can never be home on Christmas Day, and I can never be with anyone on Christmas Day because I let her down. I let her down on the last day of her life, on Christmas Day. I can’t ever change that. I can’t ever change it.

— Joy Almondo, Joy to the World

DOCTOR: I mean, basically the code came from nowhere, but then so did the universe, and no-one complains about that.

TASLO: So, what’s the plan?

DOCTOR: The plan is… that we’re going to improvise.

TASLO: That’s kind of the opposite of a plan.

DOCTOR: Precisely. A plan means we’re being predictable. If we’re going to uncover what the council is really up to… best if they can’t follow what we’re doing.

DOCTOR: This is where I leave you.

NOOR: Answer me one question. The fascists, do they win?

DOCTOR: Never. Not while there’s people like you.

ADA LOVELACE: This is the future? A world on fire.

DOCTOR: These are the dark times. But they don't sustain. Darkness never sustains

(Looks to Noor)

DOCTOR: Even though sometimes it feels like it might.

DOCTOR: When does all this stop for you? The games, the betrayals, the killing?

MASTER: Why would it stop? I mean, how else would I get your attention?

DOCTOR: The Solitract is a frog? Who talks like Grace?

SOLITRACT: My own form is endless, but this frog is a form that delights me, as it once delighted Grace.

OHILA: We restored you to life, but it's a temporary measure. You have a little under four minutes.

DOCTOR: Four minutes? That's ages. What if I get bored? I need a television, couple of books, anyone for chess? Bring me knitting.

DOCTOR: Charley, C'Rizz, Lucie, Tamsin, Molly. Friends, companions I've known, I salute you. And Cass, I apologise. Physician, heal thyself.

— Eighth Doctor, The Night of the Doctor

DOCTOR: I... have got... a mole. I can feel it. Between my shoulder blades, there's a mole. That's all right. Love the mole.

— Tenth Doctor, Born Again / Pudsey Cutaway

DOCTOR: What do you want me to be? Someone who knows exactly what he’s doing and has it all under control, or just some fellow who makes it up as he goes along, and still makes it happen? Which do you want it to be? Magic tricks, or magic?

— Eighth Doctor, Vampire Science

DOCTOR: I’ve seen Slake and the others now. They don’t deserve to be kept alive. Not at the cost of other’s suffering and death.

SAM: Isn’t that my line?

DOCTOR: Of course, you were right.

SAM: But what about all that stuff you were saying, about everyone having the right to live-

DOCTOR: Oh, that’s right as well.

HARRIS: But they completely contradict each other?

DOCTOR: You’re right too. Now all you need to do is figure out how we can all be right at the same time, then you’ll have it.