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Doctor Who Season One • Episode 4

73 Yards

Average. Rating: 77%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 1

The Star Beast

Average. Rating: 69%

Target Collection

The TV Movie

Average. Rating: 67%

Short Trips

3. The Turn of the Screw

Average. Rating: 46%

Charlotte Pollard: S2

4. The Destructive Quality of Life

Average. Rating: 36%

Charlotte Pollard: S2

3. Seed of Chaos

Average. Rating: 45%

Charlotte Pollard: S2

2. Ruffling

Average. Rating: 49%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 7

A Good Man Goes to War

Average. Rating: 83%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 2

Day of the Moon

Average. Rating: 81%

Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

A Christmas Carol

Average. Rating: 75%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 8

The Hungry Earth

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 6

The Vampires of Venice

Average. Rating: 69%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 5

Flesh and Stone

Average. Rating: 80%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 2

The Beast Below

Average. Rating: 75%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 1

The Eleventh Hour

Average. Rating: 85%

Main Range

125. Paper Cuts

Average. Rating: 63%

Main Range

123a. Benny’s Story

Average. Rating: 65%

Doctor Who Specials Tenth Doctor Specials

Planet of the Dead

Average. Rating: 65%

Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

The Next Doctor

Average. Rating: 64%

Doctor Who S4 • Episode 7

The Unicorn and the Wasp

Average. Rating: 74%

Doctor Who S4 • Episode 5

The Poison Sky

Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who S4 • Episode 1

Partners in Crime

Average. Rating: 78%

Doctor Who S3 • Episode 9

The Family of Blood

Average. Rating: 83%

Doctor Who S3 • Episode 6

The Lazarus Experiment

Average. Rating: 64%

Doctor Who S3 • Episode 5

Evolution of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 67%

Doctor Who S3 • Episode 4

Daleks in Manhattan

Average. Rating: 68%

Doctor Who S2 • Episode 13


Average. Rating: 84%

Doctor Who S2 • Episode 6

The Age of Steel

Average. Rating: 74%

Doctor Who S2 • Episode 4

The Girl in the Fireplace

Average. Rating: 82%

Doctor Who S2 • Episode 2

Tooth and Claw

Average. Rating: 71%