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Isasapphicmess's Favourite Stories
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Doctor Who Specials

The Power of the Doctor

Average. Rating: 65%

Doctor Who S13 (Flux) • Episode 4

Village of the Angels

Average. Rating: 74%

BBC Books

The Wonderful Doctor of Oz

Average. Rating: 75%

BBC Books

The Master and Margarita

Average. Rating: 53%

Doctor Who Lockdown

The Shadow in the Mirror

Average. Rating: 55%

Doctor Who S12 • Episode 8

The Haunting of Villa Diodati

Average. Rating: 73%

Doctor Who S12 • Episode 2

Spyfall, Part 2

Average. Rating: 68%

Doctor Who S12 • Episode 1

Spyfall, Part 1

Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who S11 • Episode 6

Demons of the Punjab

Average. Rating: 75%

BBC Books

The Liar, the Glitch and the War Zone

The Missy Chronicles
Average. Rating: 41%

BBC Books

The Patchwork Pierrot

Average. Rating: 58%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 11

The God Complex

Average. Rating: 79%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 10

The Girl Who Waited

Average. Rating: 80%

Doctor Who S3 • Episode 11


Average. Rating: 83%

Main Range

54. The Natural History of Fear

Average. Rating: 78%

Main Range

52. Scherzo

Average. Rating: 84%

(No Series)

Living Legend

Average. Rating: 70%

Main Range

49. Master

Average. Rating: 84%

Big Finish Short Trips

4. Apocrypha Bipedium

Average. Rating: 55%

BBC Books

Vampire Science

Average. Rating: 74%

Virgin Missing Adventures

Goth Opera

Average. Rating: 71%