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Jack Harkness: Mr. Jones, you should be proud of your son
— Captain Jack Harkness, The House of the Dead
GWEN: There's one thing I always meant to ask Jack. Back in the old days, I wanted to know about that Doctor of his. The man who appears out of nowhere and saves the world. Except sometimes he doesn't. All those times in history when there was no sign of him, I wanted to know why not. But I don't need to ask any more. I know the answer now. Sometimes the Doctor must look at this planet and turn away in shame.
— Gwen Cooper, Day Five
CLEM: What's that thing?
GWEN: The technical name is a gizmo.
— Day One
RHYS: So, what do you think's causing it?
GWEN: I can't say. Top secret.
RHYS: You haven't got a clue, have you?
GWEN: No idea.
GWEN: All right, Glyn? What's occurring?
GLYN: I've been watching the bay. No sea monsters.
GWEN: Ah, still early.
IANTO: It's weird. It's just different. It's not men, it's just him. It's only him. And I don't even know what it is, really, so. So I'm not broadcasting it.
— Ianto Jones, Day One
TOSH: Owen, just stay calm.
OWEN: Oh, why should I do that? Where's the fun in that? I'm gonna rage my way to oblivion.
TOSH: Please don't.
OWEN: Why? Give me one good bloody reason why. One good reason why I shouldn't keep screaming.
TOSH: Because you're breaking my heart.
— Exit Wounds
IANTO: Put Jack on right now.
JOHN: Eye candy! That was so masterful, so bossy, so basically powerless.
JACK: Found your diary.
IANTO: Yep, been looking for that.
JACK: And for the record, measuring tapes never lie.
— Adam
RHYS: Well, if you stopped and asked me what I saw in there, instead of showing off around the place
JACK: Do I show off?
IANTO: Just a bit.
RHYS: You'd know I got out by telling them I wanted a job as a delivery boy. So rather than cock things up, I've found you a way to get in. But if you can't handle that, big boy, then you can stuff it.
JACK: This is quite homoerotic.
— Meat
GWEN: Excuse me. Have you seen a Blowfish driving a sports car?
(The woman points down the road.)
GWEN: Thank you.
(They drive on.)
WOMAN: Bloody Torchwood.
— Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
JOHN: I think I'm starting to see what he likes about this place. She's beautiful, he's stunning.
GWEN: Don't you ever stop?
JOHN: What, five minutes to live and you want me to behave? Oh, that's gorgeous.
GWEN: That's a poodle.
JOHN: That's nice.
JACK: We go back.
JOHN: Excuse me. We more than go back. We were partners.
IANTO: In what way?
JOHN: In every way. And then some.
JACK: It was two weeks.
JOHN: Except that two weeks was trapped in a time loop, so we were together for five years. It was like having a wife.
JACK: You were the wife.
JOHN: You were the wife.
JACK: No, you were the wife.
JOHN: Oh, but I was a good wife.
(Diane holds up her new cigarettes with the warning Smoking Kills.)
DIANE: What does that mean?
— Out of Time
(The doors open for them.)
DIANE: How did it do that?
IANTO: It's automatic. It knows you're there.
DIANE: But how?
IANTO: There are wave bouncing detectors which emit radio waves and then look for reflections
DIANE: Bananas!
IANTO: Of course, bananas are far more interesting.
(Add character Diane Holmes)
OWEN: You know, we never gave it a cool name.
TOSH: I thought we called it the Resurrection gauntlet.
OWEN: Cool name.
IANTO: What about the Risen Mitten? I think it's catchy.
— They Keep Killing Suzie
IANTO: If you're interested I've still got that stopwatch.
IANTO: Well, think about it. Lots of things you can do with a stopwatch.
JACK: Oh, yeah. I could think of a few.
IANTO: There's quite a list.
JACK: I'll send the others home early. See you in my office in ten.
IANTO: That's ten minutes and counting.
GWEN: But if there's nothing, what's the point of it all?
SUZIE: This is. Driving through the dark. All this stupid, tiny stuff. We're just animals howling in the night, because it's better than silence. I used to think about Torchwood, all those aliens, coming to Earth, what the hell for? But it's just instinct. They come here because there's life, that's all. Moths around a flame. Creatures clinging together in the cold.
TOSH: What did she? Has she gone home?
JACK: I reset the coordinates.
TOSH: Where to?
JACK: To the centre of the sun. It shouldn't be hot. I mean, we sent her there at night and everything.
TOSH: You killed her.
JACK: Yes.
— Greeks Bearing Gifts
IANTO: You're not Lisa.
ANNIE: You always said you didn't love me for what I looked like. Last time you said that, it was a Saturday. We were hungover. You made cheese toasties, and moaned I hadn't descaled my kettle. That night, we camped on a beach in Brittany. It got so freezing we wore our coats and shared one sleeping bag. When we woke up the next morning, a dog was pissing on our tent. Hold me, Ianto. I need you to hold me. I need you to tell me it's all right.
— Cyberwoman
IANTO: Lisa, please. I brought you here to heal you, so we could be together.
LISA: Together. Yes. Transplant my brain into your body. The two of us together, fused. We'll be one complete person. Isn't that what love is?
LISA: Then we are not compatible.
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