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fourmana Jelly Baby?

fourmana has submitted 6 reviews and received 6 likes

Review of A Full Life by fourmana

11 November 2024

literally sobbed and cried and crawled up into a ball because of adric and then screamed because of one little fourmana moment


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Review of Notre Dame du Temps by fourmana

25 September 2024

this gave me more docmana i've won


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Review of Do You Love Anyone Enough? by fourmana

8 June 2024

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literally my favourite thing in the world i'd die for this short trip. peak forumana peak hayley happiness. WDYM "you're such an old romantic"/!??!!?!?!?!? I??????? THEY WANT ME DEAD SHUT UP anyways i won't write much otherwise i'll take your ear off about this because oh my goddddddddddddddddddddddddd.


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Review of The Guardian of the Solar System by fourmana

18 May 2024

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A nice ending to the House trilogy. However, how are you bring Bret into this, an absolute stab in the back so cruel. I love how it makes Sara accidentally set in stone the Daleks Masterplan and her realisation of it and her realisation of Bret's death being permanent is absolutely devastating. A house of wishes is one of my favourite things in Doctor Who and it works really well with Robert as a character, having a daughter, wanting to escape but also not, him wanting only the best for her. That slim chance of hope Sara gets when Robert eventually becomes the house so she can escape, only to find there's no boats off the island. So even after thousands of years of being dead, Sara can't live ever :((


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Review of The Sontarans by fourmana

13 May 2024

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someone teach peter purves how to scream properly because wtf 😭😭😭 again how much torture do you want to put steven taylor through big finish writers? also what is up with them constantly getting threatened with a gun???? but it was a very enjoyable story i was very surprised when gage turned out to be a sontaran, wasn't a twist i expected. it gave us nice moments between the doctor and his two companions towards the end, the doctor immediately giving up the information when they started to torture sara because he "can't lose them both" followed by tinder (who names a child that) killing the sontarans in the room saving the day. this is unfortunately the last time we hear of sara before she ultimately get's killed off in dalek's masterplan :(((


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Review of The Anachronauts by fourmana

13 May 2024

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I've got a bone to pick with the writers because how dare they put steven through that much. first off they essentially kill him, then we get only his mind prison which gives us a f**k ton of steven/sara content only for that sara not to be real and it's all fake. THEN YOU MAKE HIM SAY "and she doesn't love me" like what the actual f**k. also back on the steven/sara part because man they were popping off with it in this one starting off strong with "we almost might have, but there was never time." like ok just casually say that?! the switching back and forth with steven and sara's respected pov's was a nice touch.


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