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FLOOD: And that's how the story of the Church on Ruby Road comes to an end, with a very happy ending for little Ruby Sunday. But life goes on, doesn't it? Ruthlessly. And what happens, you might wonder. Oh, what happens to that mysterious traveller in Time and Space known as the Doctor? I'm sorry to say his story ends in absolute terror. Night, night.

— Mrs Flood, Empire of Death


RUBY: That's me. I was named after a road. Ruby Road. You left me by a church… 19 years ago.

LOUISE: Oh, my God.

RUBY: You left me where I was safe. And I just want to say thank you.

LOUISE: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

DOCTOR: She's happy. She's got a flat. She's got a fella named Mike. She goes to Spain in three weeks. And the point is is that she has had over 7,000 days to come and find you, and she never has.

RUBY: But I've found her.

DOCTOR: With a time machine. Is that fair?

DOCTOR: It's happening over and over again. Every time I landed there. 1999. 1066. 2005. The Earth is dying… so many times.

DOCTOR: Every world that I ever stood upon… all dead. Venus. Telos. Karn. The Ood Sphere. And Skaro.

MEL: The Daleks are dead?

DOCTOR: Everything is dead.

MEL: But there's so many places you haven't been. They must be safe.

DOCTOR: I've travelled so far. Everything caught in that pattern is dying. The whole of Time and Space. I did this.

RUBY: But you could come and see my dad. You don't do that, do you? Will I ever see you again?

DOCTOR: Of course you will. Of course you will.

RUBY: Your own granddaughter. You left her and never went back.

DOCTOR: And that was my mistake. Maybe I'll find her again, one day. But you, Ruby Sunday, I will see again. Because you changed me. I talk about family in a way that I never did before. That's because of you. You have made my life bigger and better. And now, Ruby Sunday… goodbye.

RUBY: I love you.

DOCTOR: Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry at all. Your life… is out there now. I've shown you monsters and planets, and legends… but this… Honey, your adventure is just beginning.

— Fifteenth Doctor, Empire of Death

RUBY: What is it?

DOCTOR: It's a remembered TARDIS. It's bits and pieces of every TARDIS that ever was, held together by hopes and wishes and luck.

RUBY: God… I always thought I was called Ruby because the social workers chose it, or the paramedics, or whatever, but, no, it was… her. My own mother chose it. My name is Ruby.

— Ruby Sunday, Empire of Death

KIND WOMAN: I think my daughter died, didn't she? And I forgot.

DOCTOR: I think she did. I'm sorry.

RUBY: Yeah, I never understood. What was all that Egyptian stuff?

DOCTOR: Cultural appropriation.

DOCTOR: Oh, man. Don't you see? It's an anagram. S Triad spells out... TARDIS. The name is TARDIS Technology.

KATE: Well, obviously. Thank you.

IBRAHIM: Even I got that.

DOCTOR: Ruby, Rose. Rose, Ruby.


DOCTOR: Two different shades of red!

DOCTOR: Give me the loving!

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

DOCTOR: (sings) Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination. Take a look and you'll see, into your imagination.

— Fifteenth Doctor, Rogue

DOCTOR: (sotto) Say anything.

(Rogue goes down on one knee and holds up a ring.)

DOCTOR: Sorry. I c... I ca...


RUBY: Oh, my Bridgerton! This is my actual dream!

— Ruby Sunday, Rogue

RUBY: So you're the rich kids?

LINDY: Uh, I should hope so.

RUBY: I thought you were like, office drones. But that's why you only work two hours a day. So the rest of the time...

LINDY: We party.

RUBY: (to the Doctor) It's like Love Island: The Planet.

DOCTOR: In the past, right now, I live in a place called Totter's Lane. 1963, I park the TARDIS in a junkyard and live there with my granddaughter, Susan.



RUBY: Your what?

DOCTOR: My granddaughter.

RUBY: Susan.

RUBY: Gallifrey? And where's that?

DOCTOR: Gone! Ruby, it's gone. It's gone. They died. There was a genocide, and they died. So the one that was adopted was the only one left. I am the last of the Time Lords. And I am so, so glad to be alive.

RUBY: Hang on. So the planet down below refused to stop the babies being born... but once they're born, they don't look after them?

JOCELYN: It's a very strange planet.

RUBY: It's not that strange.

RUBY: So that was a normal day for you, then?

DOCTOR: No, no. That was extra-special nuts. And you, Ruby Sunday, get this. Your very own TARDIS key.

RUBY: What for?

DOCTOR: I have the whole universe at my fingertips, and I'm all on my own. So I'd love it if you came with me.

RUBY: Hey, but you said the TARDIS was like a chameleon, but it still looks like a police box.

DOCTOR: Oh, it's, er... it's broken. Most of the universe is knackered, babes.

DOCTOR: Into the belly of the beast. Yeah, this stuff is slippy, Rubes. Be careful.

(She slips then gets dribbled on from a pipe outlet.)

RUBY: Oh. Ah. Oh, my God. Oh, this is disgusting. Don't call me Rubes!

15th DOCTOR: Look after him, you know? Now, you two, if you don't mind, there is a great big universe out there calling, and I've got to get going. So off you pop, old man.

14th DOCTOR: Oh. You're the old man. You're older than me.

DONNA: Actually, that is true. He's younger because you came after him. So you're the older Doctor.

15th DOCTOR: Okay, kid. I love you. Get out!