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About Doctorwhoisadhd

<- leitmotif enjoyer fav punk rock grandpa: 12 things i have many thoughts about: jack harkness, suicide in dw things i do not have a lot of thoughts about in particular but very much enjoy nonetheless: the trickster, clyde langer, bill potts, ianto jones
☑ Completed
494 stories
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☒ Not yet completed
5924 stories
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♥ Favourited
20 stories
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★ Rated
388 stories
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Average Rating
3.50 / 5


Recent Activity:

1 month ago
☑ Completed: This Town Will Never Let Us Go
Rated it ★★★★½
1 month ago
☑ Completed: Consequences
Rated it ★★★★
1 month ago
☑ Completed: Virus
1 month ago
☑ Completed: Kaleidoscope
1 month ago
☑ Completed: The Baby Farmers
1 month ago
☑ Completed: The Wrong Hands
3 months ago
☑ Completed: Unnatural History
3 months ago
☑ Completed: Enlightenment
Rated it ★★★★
4 months ago
☑ Completed: Underworld
Rated it ★★★
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