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Quoter Level 3
United Kingdom · He/Him

About Doctorwho_reviews76

My @ is the same on all socials if you ever wanted to reach out or just discuss Doctor Who! :)) (Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok, X)

Because I rate things out of 10 here’s how my stars work on here:
0.5 - 1/1.5 | 1 - 2/2.5 | 1.5 - 3/3.5 | 2 - 4/4.5 | 2.5 - 5/5.5 | 3 - 6/6.5 | 3.5 - 7/7.5 | 4 - 8/8.5 | 4.5 - 9/9.5 | 5 - 10
I’ll elaborate on the specific score when I review the story :))
☑ Completed
452 stories
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7 stories
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☒ Not yet completed
5776 stories
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♥ Favourited
21 stories
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★ Rated
452 stories
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Average Rating
3.44 / 5


Recent Activity:

3 days ago
☑ Completed: Out of Time 2 – The Gates of Hell
Rated it ★★★
5 days ago
☑ Completed: The Humanoids
Rated it ★★
5 days ago
☑ Completed: The False Dimitry
Rated it ★★
8 days ago
☑ Completed: Pyramids of Mars (TOTT Minisode)
Rated it ★½
8 days ago
☑ Completed: The Time Meddler (TOTT version)
Rated it ★★★½
8 days ago
☑ Completed: The Three Doctors (TOTT version)
Rated it ★★★★
8 days ago
☑ Completed: Vengeance on Varos (TOTT version)
Rated it ★★★
8 days ago
☑ Completed: The Mind Robber (TOTT version)
Rated it ★★★★½
8 days ago
☑ Completed: Earthshock (TOTT version)
Rated it ★★★★½
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