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The War Master
Netherlands · he/it

My Favourite Quotes:

“Because every time you see them happy you remember how sad they’re going to be. And it breaks your heart. Because what’s the point in them being happy if they’re going to be sad later? The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sad later.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

DOCTOR: He asked you a question. Will you help me?

CLARA: You shouldn't have been listening.

DOCTOR: I wasn't. I didn't need to. That was me talking. You can't see me, can you? You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like? I'm not on the phone, I'm right here, standing in front of you. Please, just, just see me.

Deep Breath
Clara, looking at the Twelfth Doctor, on a busy street, TARDIS in the background

“Everybody lives, Rose. Just this once, everybody lives!”

— Ninth Doctor, The Doctor Dances

SARAH: So there's three of you?

ROSE: Three Doctors?

JACK: I can't tell you what I'm thinking right now.

Journey’s End

(to Rose) Listen, you. I would burn down the world for you, darling. Anyone has a go, I will be there and I will descend.”

— Donna Noble, The Star Beast
Donna talking to Rose

“You don’t need me telling you your family isn’t always the one you were born in. Usually it is, and that’s great, that’s fantastic, but it’s not always like that, and that’s ok. And if you do find people who love you - hold on tight.”

— Ninth Doctor, Station to Station