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United Kingdom · she/her

About Basildarling

☑ Completed
310 stories
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☒ Not yet completed
5918 stories
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★ Rated
135 stories
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Average Rating
3.70 / 5


Recent Activity:

3 days ago
☑ Completed: The Three Doctors
Rated it ★★★★½
4 days ago
☑ Completed: The Time Monster
Rated it ★★★
5 days ago
☑ Completed: The Mutants
Rated it ★★½
6 days ago
☑ Completed: The Sea Devils
Rated it ★★★★
13 days ago
☑ Completed: The Curse of Peladon
Rated it ★★★½
17 days ago
☑ Completed: Day of the Daleks
Rated it ★★★★
18 days ago
☑ Completed: The Android Maker of Calderon IV
Rated it ★★★★
18 days ago
☑ Completed: The Queen of Eros
Rated it ★★★½
18 days ago
☑ Completed: Countdown to TV Action
Rated it ★★★
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