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WhoTheoryYT's Owned Stories

Here are all the stories contained in Collectables that you own. This includes CDs, Vinyl, DVDs, Blu-Ray, Books!
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We track thousands of locations, which you will soon be able to browse, but for now here are the main categories:

Time Travel
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3. Slow Beasts

Average. Rating: 61%


2. Lost Hearts

Average. Rating: 56%


1. Birdsong

Average. Rating: 70%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 3

The Giggle

Average. Rating: 76%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 2

Wild Blue Yonder

Average. Rating: 78%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 1

The Star Beast

Average. Rating: 69%

Once and Future

7. The Union

Average. Rating: 71%

Once and Future

6. Time Lord Immemorial

Average. Rating: 64%

Once and Future

5. The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50

Average. Rating: 76%

Once and Future

4. Two’s Company

Average. Rating: 64%

Once and Future

3. A Genius for War

Average. Rating: 69%

Once and Future

2. The Artist at the End of Time

Average. Rating: 74%

Once and Future

1. Past Lives

Average. Rating: 68%


3. Albie’s Angels

Average. Rating: 87%


2. The Love Vampires

Average. Rating: 63%


1. Here Lies Drax

Average. Rating: 68%

What Lies Inside?

2. The Dalby Spook

Average. Rating: 57%

What Lies Inside?

1. Paradox of the Daleks

Average. Rating: 77%

Target Collection

The Fires of Pompeii

Average. Rating: 77%

BBC Books

The Wonderful Doctor of Oz

Average. Rating: 75%

BBC Books

Legends of Camelot

Average. Rating: 71%

BBC Books

The Ruby’s Curse

Average. Rating: 81%

BBC Books

All Flesh is Grass

Average. Rating: 71%

BBC Books

The Master and Margarita

Average. Rating: 53%

BBC Books

The Night Harvest

Average. Rating: 34%

BBC Books

A Master of Disguise

Average. Rating: 34%

BBC Books

Missy’s Magical Mystery Mission

Average. Rating: 32%

BBC Books

The Dead Travel Fast

Average. Rating: 39%

BBC Books

Anger Management

Average. Rating: 34%

BBC Books

The Terror of the Umpty Ums

Average. Rating: 70%