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Saturn has submitted 11 reviews and received 3 likes

Review of Borrow or Rob by Saturn

16 January 2025

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I'm still mentally recovering from this episode. It was just amazing from start to finish. The culmination of everything we've seen before and setting up for boxset 7 and beyond, it was brilliant. I was thinking throughout about "the invaders" and wondering who they could be. With Dan Starkey voicing them, I had a hunch it may have been the Sontarans but wondered if that was just my Dan Starkey bias as I'm so used to seeing and hearing him as the potato shaped monsters. However, I was very pleased to learn I was right, with the big twist at the end being that the Sontarans have now taken over Gallifrey! What a brilliant twist and setup for the next story. Also brilliant was having the Sinsa confirm what I suspected from Nowhere, Never onwards, that being that Hieronyma Friend is somehow using the different faces of the Eighth Doctor's companions. We did get a hint to this back in 2023 when in the Audacity reveal news article, they mentioned how Jaye Griffiths was in Time War 5 and I always thought that was odd as companions have often been in prior episodes of the show, especially since Jaye Griffiths was in the TV series as well. Of course now we know that she was using Audacity's face, but we wouldn't have ever suspected that back during Time War 5. Now, she's used Helen and C'rizz's faces too and I can't wait to see who they'll have playing her next! And all of this without even mentioning the main twist of the episode. Alex turning on the Doctor was an absolutely brilliant scene and I cannot wait to see where it goes from here! It's going to be an amazing story going forward and I'm looking forward to seeing how that all pays off!


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Review of Cass-cade by Saturn

16 January 2025

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This story was really good! Following on from Cass' ending in the previous story was a great idea. However, this story feels a bit of an odd one as we don't know whether the actual plot is relevant or if it's just a way to have an ongoing story throughout the episode. Definitely a good use of the Time War and the amnesia that seems to come with it. I thought some of the elements were quite funny, such as the singing robot. The ending is left quite ambiguous with it being unclear on how this links up with Cass' return in Borrow or Rob. It's a brilliant story, however, and I think it's a great addition to the boxset, especially as it seems  to be a way of introducing us to what the Doctor and Hieronyma are going to go through in boxset 7.


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Review of One Rule by Saturn

16 January 2025

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One of my favourite Torchwood stories of all time. I know it seems a bit of an odd choice, but the humorous elements really lift this story up for me! Yvonne was a character I was always intrigued by in Army of Ghosts / Doomsday, so to get more of her on audio was brilliant! She really comes off as out of her element, wanting to keep calm and carry on and trying (poorly) to keep people safe on her own without her team. It is nice to briefly hear Gwen and Andy in the story and Ianto being an unheard presence was a great addition. I think the ending is great and the twists and turns throughout were brilliant.


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Review of Forgotten Lives by Saturn

16 January 2025

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A truly haunting tale for Gwen and Rhys. I really enjoyed this story, and the horror elements were just amazing! Would've been nice if for her first audio story, Gwen didn't have to have Jack around, but otherwise this story was a real gem! The twist with Anwen really got me, and it was such a wild story. The villains were amazing in concept and execution and the acting was all around brilliant! Eve and Kai step back into their roles effortlessly!


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Review of Art Decadence by Saturn

16 January 2025

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I went into this story hoping for more. The idea of a Torchwood story featuring the Mara has a lot of promise. The characters are all very engaging, but I really wanted to see a bit more of the psychological horror elements on both of the main characters, rather than just one. It's great that we did get some of that with the constant teasing from the Mara, but I think it would have worked better if it was more two sided. Also, could have done with a story prior to this giving us a bit more context on this Torchwood team before one of them is removed. However, I still really enjoyed a lot of this story. While it wasn't entirely what I was looking for, there was still a lot of strengths in the writing performance of the characters.


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Review of The Gloaming by Saturn

16 January 2025

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Last year was very Mara filled for me as I hadn't seen the previous stories featuring the villain, so before Art Decadence came out in July I watched both Kinda and Snakedance. I have to say, this is probably the weakest Mara story I've experienced so far, but I still enjoyed it. India did a very good job playing both Charley and the Mara and the Doctor and Audacity acted as a good supporting cast. I did like the subplot about the planet that the residents of the sleep clinic are from, but otherwise the rest of the characters were quite forgettable. I think there's lots of good within this story, it just needed a bit more creativity in its use of the Mara and the overall story.


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Review of Women’s Day Off by Saturn

15 January 2025

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Definitely the weakest story with Audacity so far. While there is a lot to be said for this being an important story, it all feels a bit disjointed. The title, 'Women's Day Off' plays very little into the overall story, with it mainly focussing on a young girl and her teacher who happens to be a woman so she's on strike. Then there's the random part with the alien who's trying to get home, which honestly felt like it could have been cut. I feel this episode would have felt better if it had instead been a prequel of sorts to the Sarah Jane Adventures story Mark of the Beserker, as the item that causes the young girl to gain powers is remarkably similar to the pendant from that episode in its abilities. I did appreciate Audacity and Charley showing their solidarity with the women, although Audacity feels a little half-baked in this episode, as you'd think she'd have more to do in an episode all about women being treated equally.


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Review of Puccini and the Doctor by Saturn

15 January 2025

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It has to be said, Matthew Jacobs really knows how to write the 8th Doctor. He steps back into the Whoniverse effortlessly and gives us an amazing story of transformation and music! I really enjoyed this story from start to finish. The premise we're given before the opening titles had me incredibly excited, with someone being transformed into a tree, which filled me with intrigue for the story to come! I was not disappointed by the remainder of the story, as the Doctor and Puccini's chemistry was brilliant, and Audacity and Charley felt like real assets to the story! I felt that Jacobs really understood the character of Audacity really well and helped realise her as well as, or maybe even better than, the previous year's Audacity releases. It's a great story through and through and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone! Also, loved the TV Movie reference ;)


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Review of The Road Untravelled by Saturn

15 January 2025

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An absolutely fantastic continuation from Nowhere, Never. The use of Alex and Cass' missing pasts is a fantastic hook for this episode and plays into the ongoing story of how Alex is back and how we end up with Cass in Night of the Doctor. Having the setting be a ship trapped within the void is a particularly great stroke of genius and Hieronyma Friend really proves themselves to be a very interesting morally grey character! I also really like the idea that Cass was a member of this ship before she lost her memories and began travelling with the Doctor. It's a very interesting twist as we thought we knew her story from Meanwhile, Elsewhere, but clearly we didn't. This also gives us a great dynamic with Graff, who, in Cass' previous life, was her lover. A brilliant story and really enjoyed where it ended up!


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Review of Nowhere, Never by Saturn

15 January 2025

A brilliant Time War story and follow up to the previous installment. While it does raise a few questions as to how the TARDIS team ended up in this situation, the story that follows more than makes up for it with a brilliant tale of amnesia, corruption, war and profit! A brilliant use of the confusing nature of the Time War, and having Hattie Morahan appear in the cast kept me guessing throughout, as it was clear she wasn't playing Helen, but that answer came right at the end and really shocked me at first! An absolutely brilliant twist!


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