OctaviaTheNerd United Kingdom · they/them Followers 10 Following 6 Following Follow Follows you Overview Diary Badges Statistics Reviews My Stories My Completed Stories My Favourite Stories ♥ My Rated Stories 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ Stories I have reviewed Stories I own My Saved Stories My Completed, Unrated Stories My Skipped Stories My Next Story My Uncompleted Stories My Unreviewed Stories Stories I do not own My Collectables My Owned Collectables My Unowned Collectables My Saved Collectables (Wishlist) My Quotes My Favourite Quotes My Submitted Quotes OctaviaTheNerd has submitted 17 reviews and received 47 likes Sort: Newest First Oldest First Most Likes Highest Rating Lowest Rating Spoilers First Spoilers Last 17 reviews 30 September 2024 · 150 words The Decades CollectionThe Angel of Redemption OctaviaTheNerd Spoilers 2 Review of The Angel of Redemption by OctaviaTheNerd 30 September 2024 This review contains spoilers! I don't write reviews often, but I feel like this release justifies one. Simply put, this is one of the best and most unique Doctor Who books I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Told in the medium of an epic poem, this book is effectively one giant lore dump about the history of The Weeping Angels told from the perspective of the one that killed Amy and Rory. The book evokes such a profound sense of sorrow for this Angel, making you genuinely sympathise with it as it searches for its lost partner whilst telling you the story of how it came to be where it is. The 11th Doctor is merely set dressing in what is ostensibly a Weeping Angel story, and a very sad story at that. I shan't write too much more but I urge anyone who hasn't read this book to read it OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 2 4 May 2024 · 428 words The First Doctor AdventuresFugitive of the Daleks OctaviaTheNerd Spoilers 3 Review of Fugitive of the Daleks by OctaviaTheNerd 4 May 2024 This review contains spoilers! Whilst it may seem on initial reading of its synopsis just a re-hash of The Chase, this audio proves to be so much more. Full of charm and really evoking that 1960s feel, the Stephen Noonan led First Doctor Adventures continue to be one of my favourite ranges showcasing just how good Big Finish can be at accurately recreating eras on audio. The basic premise of this audio is as already stated a loose re-hash of The Chase with seemingly the main wrinkle being that of a much older Vicki returning for one final adventure with The Doctor, but upon closer inspection all is not as it seems. Whilst featuring The Daleks, they are not the main villains of the piece. In a wonderfully executed twist, the main villain of the piece is revealed to be the robot duplicate of The Doctor from The Chase. The inclusion of RoboDoctor provides the piece with a fascinating discourse of the nature of being alive and free will and his scenes with Vicki where he truly believes himself to be The Doctor are wonderful. Vicki being so much older in this story also provides the story with a nice bit of closure for her as she gets to say a 'proper' goodbye to The Doctor in what is a really heartfelt moment. The scene where The Doctor laments that he is the one being left behind instead of his companions is heartbreaking and really does portray The First Doctor as being a lonely wanderer (something never really touched upon in the TV show). The additional wrinkle in the story is Dodo dealing with the Doctor's sudden disappearance at the end of The Incherton Incident, I can tell that this specific plot thread will run on for a while maybe not being resolved in the immediate future. Although The Doctor mentioning that he was taken out of time does indicate to me that we may well get some answers when Deathworld is released in July Now, the contentious point with these audios is always the recasting of deceased actors. Personally, I'm a big fan of Noonan and think his take on Hartnell is perfect with the mannerisms nailed and he has the cadence of speech on lock too. His performance has gone from strength to strength with each boxset and I'm sure he can only improve with further exposure in the role. Overall, this was a delightfully charming audio further cementing the First Doctor Adventures as one of my personal favourite ranges in the Big Finish repertoire. OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 3 1 May 2024 · 259 words The Lost Stories S7 • Episode 1Daleks! Genesis of Terror OctaviaTheNerd 8 Review of Daleks! Genesis of Terror by OctaviaTheNerd 1 May 2024 Remember when The Lost Stories used to actually be full of unmade adventures? I do too. Unfortunately, the last 2 series of it have mainly been comprised of serials from Season 12 in their "original drafts" (barring The Doomsday Contract, a genuine Lost Story). This release, Daleks! Genesis of Terror, is once again a foray into the original drafts of Season 12. The main "sell" of this release is the full cast episode one and then the rest of the episodes are the story outlines read by other members of the cast. This, quite simply put, is a release that does not need to exist. I very rarely give things a 1/10 but this warrants it. Very little has changed from the Genesis we saw on TV and the minutia that are different were taken out with good reason. To give this release some credit, Christopher Naylor as Harry is a delight as always and Tom Baker never puts in a bad performance. That is, unfortunately, all of the positives surrounding this release. The audio mixing is abysmal on this release, making it sound like they're all cramped in a cupboard. Yes, I know this was remotely recorded but Shadow of the Sun proves the mixing can be done well so there's no excuse for the shoddy mixing here. Also bundled with this release is an 80 minute interview with Phillip Hinchcliffe that I'm not sure anyone has actually listened to yet. Overall, a disappointing and ultimately pointless release that I fear may spell the end of this revived series of The Lost Stories OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 8 1 May 2024 · 80 words Main Range • Episode 140A Death in the Family OctaviaTheNerd 3 Review of A Death in the Family by OctaviaTheNerd 1 May 2024 What a story, I don't want to write too much so as not to spoil it for those who are yet to listen but this story is fully deserving of its reputation and will destroy you in many ways as you listen to it. Credit to Sophie Aldred for a fantastic performance as Ace and Ian Reddington as a delightfully evil performance as Nobody No One. All in all, probably the best main range story Big Finish has ever done OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 3 1 May 2024 · 57 words Virgin New AdventuresThe Also People OctaviaTheNerd 1 Review of The Also People by OctaviaTheNerd 1 May 2024 What a story, Ben Aaronovitch crafts a superb narrative throughout this novel. I don't want to discuss it too much as I don't want to spoil any joy other readers get out of this novel but I personally would class it as some of Aaronovitch's finest work with fantastic humour laced throughout. A must read for anyone OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 1 1 May 2024 · 157 words Doctor Who – The Lost Stories: The First Doctor • Episode 1aFarewell, Great Macedon OctaviaTheNerd 2 Review of Farewell, Great Macedon by OctaviaTheNerd 1 May 2024 Wow, what an audio. Sitting at one of Big Finish's longest audios this may seem like a daunting task but if you have a spare 4 hours I would wholeheartedly recommend you settle down and enjoy this magnificent audio. Whilst I'm not the biggest fan of William Russell as 1 you can overlook his slightly weaker impersonation compared to Purves as it doesn't detract that much from the overall listening experience. However, the standout performance from this audio has to be John Dorney as Alexander. How one man can be such a good writer and actor will never cease to amaze me but in this audio he gives the performance of his life. A performance that is filled with such nuance and depth. A performance that moved me to the verge of tears. I would say this is one of the best performances I've ever heard in an audio. Overall, this is a fantastic audio if recommend to anyone. OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 2 1 May 2024 · 205 words The Lost Stories S6 • Episode 2The Doomsday Contract OctaviaTheNerd Spoilers Review of The Doomsday Contract by OctaviaTheNerd 1 May 2024 This review contains spoilers! This audio, that never made it past the scripting stage, is absolutely wonderful. It absolutely reeks of that Hitchhiker's charm mainly because of the, albeit little, input that the late great Douglas Adams had on the original idea and how closely he and John Lloyd worked together on other projects. The main plot of this audio is that Earth is about to be demolished (sounds familiar right?) and the Doctor is the star witness chosen to defend it. The main cast all play the audio very well and give convincing performances laced with subtle humour and acerbic wit. It's good to hear Baker, Ward and Leeson on audio together (as this is my first experience of them) as they bounce off of each other very well. I found myself laughing out loud on many an occasion during this audio. Nev Fountain had done a very good job adapting this audio and it makes me curious to experience his other audios. Overall, I have found The Doomsday Contract to be a thoroughly enjoyable listen throughout, full of nice references to the rest of the Whoniverse. I will almost certainly be checking out Fountain's other work and the other story in this series of the Lost Stories OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 0 1 May 2024 · 169 words Main Range • Episode 34Spare Parts OctaviaTheNerd Spoilers 7 Review of Spare Parts by OctaviaTheNerd 1 May 2024 This review contains spoilers! "Father must see my new suit" Heartbreak, horror and humour. This audio has it all, Marc Platt hits it out of the ball park with a suitably eerie story that tells the tale of one of the many origins of the Cybermen. Definitely one of the standout releases from the first 50 Main Range stories and probably the best 5th Doctor release from those 50, it weaves a chilling atmosphere and the suitably cold setting of Mondas only aides this. The reveal that the people going to the surface of Mondas from their subterranean dwellings is great and always sends shivers down my spine. Peter Davison and Sarah Sutton give good performances and are backed up by strong performances from the supporting cast and the monster voices from Mr Briggs are as good as they always are. Overall, a fantastic Cyberman story, proving that they lend themselves perfectly to body horror, backed up by excellent performances from the cast make this audio story a must listen for any fans of Who. OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 7 1 May 2024 · 124 words Torchwood Special Releases • Episode 1The Torchwood Archive OctaviaTheNerd Spoilers 1 Review of The Torchwood Archive by OctaviaTheNerd 1 May 2024 This review contains spoilers! Despite having never listened to any of The Committee arc, I found this to be a pleasant celebration of 10 years of Torchwood featuring beloved characters from both TV and audio. I especially liked that it gave the listener a backstory of sorts to Alex from Fragments and the reasoning as to why he killed his entire team. It's fittingly poignant and mysterious for a Torchwood audio and definitely feels more like a Special Release than anything else I've heard from the TW Main Range. It has that bigger sense of grandiosity that befits a release celebrating a decade of Torchwood. The mystery surrounding Object One is good and reaches a satisfying conclusion Overall, a solid story befitting the celebration that it was written for OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 1 1 May 2024 · 158 words Main Range • Episode 29The Chimes of Midnight OctaviaTheNerd 4 Review of The Chimes of Midnight by OctaviaTheNerd 1 May 2024 I really do not understand all the hype surrounding this story, I listened to this in the run up to Christmas last year because it just wouldn't be Christmas without it and because it was recommended to me to do this . The performances are good as I've come to expect from a McGann story but it has to be said that the twist is very easily predictable. This was the second Shearman audio that I've listened to after Scherzo and I feel like Scherzo is the stronger audio. I think that this is a good example of why you don't buy into the hype surrounding a story as I was very excited to listen to it and was just let down a bit when I eventually did. Overall, this is a fairly decent story with some very good performances by the cast but ultimately it just goes to show you as to why you shouldn't buy into hype OctaviaTheNerd View profile Like Liked 4 Show All Reviews (17) Sorting, filtering, and pagination, coming soon!