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Conquer and Destroy!

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POLICEMAN: Sir, ma'am, go back to your vehicle.

GRACE: What? Stop! He's er, he's British.

DOCTOR: Yes, I suppose I am. Jelly baby, officer?

POLICEMAN: Jelly baby?

GRACE: Just take it.

(The policeman takes a sweet and sniffs it while the Doctor makes lip-smacking noises. When he bites into it, the Doctor takes his gun and points it at his own chest.)

DOCTOR: Now, would you stand aside before I shoot myself.

Doctor Who (The TV Movie)

SENTIA: I really want to see Omega's universe. We have such plans...

DOCTOR: I'm sure you do. But you can find happiness in this one, you know. It's not a bad old cosmos. Flowers, cups of tea, trees, mugs of tea, sunsets, pots of tea... as you can see, I don't expect too much from this universe...


DOCTOR: I didn't expect to care for you as much as I did. That was my mistake.

When it came to it, with the Web of Time hanging in the balance, having to make

a choice between you and the universe, I'd say hang the Web of Time, you're

more important. Let the universe rot. Charley, you're worth more than all that. I

sacrificed myself for you, to save your life. And I did it gladly. I thought I'd never

see you again. That it wouldn't matter so long as I knew you were safe.

CHARLEY: I don't understand. You're saying you did care for me, after all. That

you loved me.

DOCTOR: Of course I loved you! I killed myself for you, didn't I? Of course I

loved you. Of course I love you.


“No shop. I like the little shop.”

— Tenth Doctor, New Earth

TENTH DOCTOR: You know, I love being you. Back when I first started at the very beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young. And then I was you, and it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted. I still do that, the voice thing. I got that from you. Oh, and the trainers, and -

(He puts his spectacles on.)

TENTH DOCTOR: Snap. Because you know what, Doctor? You were my Doctor.

FIFTH DOCTOR: To days to come.

TENTH DOCTOR: All my love to long ago.

Time Crash

DONNA: I can't understand you. How many words? One. One word. Shake. Milk shake. Milk? Milk? No, not milk? Shake, shake, shake. Cocktail shaker. What do you want, a Harvey Wallbanger?

DOCTOR: Harvey Wallbanger?

DONNA: Well, I don't know.

DOCTOR: How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?

The Unicorn and the Wasp

“Saturday. Good. Good, I like Saturdays.”

— Tenth Doctor, The Stolen Earth

HELEN: Would you like a coffee?

DOCTOR: No, thank you. I don't need stimulants.


DOCTOR: Oh, yeah, please.

Wild Animals