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MONK has submitted 10 reviews and received 5 likes

Review of Doctor Who: Marco Polo by MONK

2 March 2025

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Marco Polo - 9/10

Why does this have to be one of the missing stories? I loved everything up until they get to Kublai Khan. It's still good, just not quite as strong after that.



Everyone firing on all cylinders: Our four main characters all get lots to do, this is probably Susan's best episode with her relationship with Ping-Cho being the heart of the story.

Dangerous journey: I love when a TARDIS crew is stranded and the word itself is a danger from sandstorms to fear of dying of thirst.

Character Dynamics: The Characters relationships with each other are so strong here. Marco Polo and The Doctor especially have some amazing back and fourth.


Conclusions: Both the endings to Ping-Cho's forced marriage and the team getting the TARDIS back feel rushed to me, it's a shame as the overall journey is so fun.


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Review of The Bodysnatchers by MONK

16 February 2025

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The Bodysnatchers - 8/10

"Litefoot looked at her dubiously 'You are employed by the police then I take it?'
'Not if we can help it' Said the Doctor.

This is unashamedly not anything new or experimental with old friends and foes as the main selling points. I don't really care though because I had a great time.


An imperfect hero: The Doctor completely accidentally kills almost all the Zygons while attempting to create a peaceful solution. This made a really trad story way more interesting and makes our hero much more fallible which I believe should happen more often.

Imagery: The Zygon imagery from the organic ships to the burning orange eyes in the human disguises are described in a very compelling way that kept me engaged.


Mixed feelings (Hey look this is new for my reviews, but it felt needed here)

Sam Jones: I have both positives and negatives for Sam, hence the new mixed feelings category. On the positive side I really love the continuation of her desperation to be as competent as the Doctor, and failing miserably at it. Gives her some depth as well as humorous scenes. On the negative side it felt as though the plot kept finding excuses to push her to the side, which I didn't like because I thought this was a good showing for her!



A couple of obvious twists:  The Zygons are treated as a reveal, bro your face is on the cover I am not going to pretend to be shocked. Also Emmeline turning out to be a Zygon was wayyyy too obviously pointed at with Litefoots comment about her running barefoot. He may as well have looked into the camera and gone "Well that is weird isn't it dear viewer, oh well anyways lets move on".

Dastardly Jack Howe: I was bored whenever we cut to Jack and the Characters involved with him. Luckily this isn't too often but also could probably have just been cut from the book.


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Review of Fugitive of the Daleks by MONK

5 February 2025

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Fugitive of the Daleks- 9/10

"A wise woman once told me 'you're as alive as you want to be', so my dear Vicki, live!"

Just when I thought I was immune to stories with lots of fan service in them, I listen to this absolute gem. If you love the Hartnell era there are SO many moments in here that will put a massive grin on your face.


Fan pleasing moments: As mentioned above I can be quite cynical towards projects that are heavy on "hey look it's the thing I know". This is so much more, it expands upon and surprises you in the best ways.

Authentic fun: structure wise this is essentially The Chase 2. It gets the 60s vibe so correct. There is a specific comedy bit about two guys having to bulldoze a police telephone box and everything about it felt so 60s in the best way. Loved it.

Vicki: Maureen O'brien was delightful here. Still clearly Vicki but more mature. Some very nice emotional scenes in here with her.


How did we get here?:  This could be a me problem but I do not understand what set off this string of events lol.


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Review of Doctor Who: The Smugglers by MONK

3 February 2025

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The Smugglers - 4/10

"You're a right couple of nutcases" grumbled Ben.

Before I actually did my run of 60s who, this is exactly what I assumed it would be. Old fashioned tropes with a very basic plot. 60s who is now one of my favourite eras, but this story is certainly a low point.


Easy reading: So far I have read two Terrance Dicks books. Strangely I found them both really easy reads despite not really enjoying the whole. There MUST be a good flow to the prose because I am always like wow I got through that fast.


What is the point?:  I feel slightly mean saying this but it is so simplistic that it feels ultimately pointless. A companion's first trip in the TARDIS should really tell me something new about them.

Man Polly, Jamaica and other old fashioned writing tropes: The writing of these two concepts feel old fashioned. That is because this is an old story so kinda whatever but this novelisation is from the 90s right? Could we not have done something a bit more modern with these ideas? I get the impression this Novelisation doesn't add much that wasn't on-screen. 




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Review of The Green-Eyed Monster by MONK

1 February 2025

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Why is this rated so low??? Best part of this comic collection, very funny parody of shows like Jeremy Kyle whilst also putting a spotlight on one of S2 Rose's major character flaws.



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Review of Vampire Science by MONK

21 January 2025

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Vampire Science - 10/10

Sam had to work at being weird, thought Carolyn, but for the Doctor it just came naturally.

When it comes to a story, characters are the single most important aspect for me. Naturally I absolutely ADORED Vampire Science. This has got amazing character drama, moral dilemmas and the perfect mix of the doctor being whimsical and deadly serious.


The Doctor & Sam: The Doctor is actually magical here (Or is he??). You will absolutely fall in love with him and then the story delves deep into WHY you and other characters do and why that can be dangerous.

Sam is sooo much more of an actual person here than in the Eight Doctors. Constantly disagreeing with the doctor, to the point she is on the verge of leaving is great character drama and mirrors Carolyn's story very well. Plus her glorious comeuppance against weird Harold will have you cheering for her!

Supporting CharactersCarolyn's journey here is lovely, I think this is what Moffat was going for in Series 5 with Amy and Rory. While I do love Amy and Rory (more so Rory), this story pulls off that plotline so much better in less time. Kramer is also just incredibly enjoyable, no idea if she shows up again but I would love her to be a re-occuring book character (Do not spoil anything I'm doing these in order)

Morals: The talk around vampirism really makes you think. While the vampire section in the Eight Doctors is a lot of fun, I'm really glad they made the doctor think about the morals of killing a lot more here.


Skipping the introductions:  Not directly this books fault but they really skip over Sam's introduction as a companion. Probably a purposeful choice but I love first reactions to all the crazy Sci-Fi stuff.

Tad too easy an ending for Joanna: The Anti-Vamp killing her "vamp" but not her human side is a little bit tooooo much of an easy win for me, not enough to take away from my enjoyment but did cause a slight eye-roll for me.


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Review of The Demon Song by MONK

16 January 2025

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The Demon Song - 8/10

Yo? YO??? What do you mean yo?

The Demon song starts off as an extremely atmospheric horror but the answers to the mysteries in part 2 don't quite live up to the set up and feel fairly rushed. Would love to see this writer do a four parter.


The past future: This takes place in 2020, for 1 and dodo this is a future setting. Somehow they succeed in making our modern day feel really alien, loved this element.

AtmosphereIn part 1 there is SUCH a good atmosphere due to the creepy demon song lurking in the background of every scene. I never normally notice sound design, but this was stellar.


Conclusions:  The creature being an other dimensional being is literally the plot to the story right before this right?? but unfortunately not given time to go into the depth of the miniaturist.

Bye bye vibes: Part 1 almost entirely relies on vibes, which I'm not against at all when done well. They just kinda leave when it comes time to explain what is happening and suddenly I am a lot less invested.


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Review of The Monsters Inside by MONK

15 January 2025

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The Monsters Inside - 7/10

The Doctor stared at Ermenshrew. ‘But why? Why d’you need such a big hole?’ ‘You’ll find out for yourself soon enough.’ Her dark eyes glittered.

The Monsters inside is a good doctor who romp. Nothing deep going on here but The Doctor and Rose are well characterised with a good memorable side cast.


Strong characterisations: For how early in the range this was, it gets rose and the doctor spot on. Rose especially gets a lot here that i could see happening on TV, becoming a legend among the prisoners and being able to control them when the doctor couldn't was a highlight.

A secret sequel: Getting to be a sequel for the current series at the time of publication is actually quite a big deal if you ask me, and I love the Slitheen so I am happy to get more of them. Unfortunately this reveal was something I already knew going in.


Conclusions:  A lot of the end relies on technobabble about gravity and quite frankly it just wasn't very interesting.

Not much depth: I imagine this will be on the negatives for many NSAs but i just can't score it that high because it isn't TRYING to be anything amazing. It just wants to be some fun extra doctor who, which I think it does achieve, but should these books aim for a bit more than that?

Odd comments: At the end of the book, flowers picks several male personal assistants for herself because she thinks they're hot. This is obviously meant to be a joke, but it does not land well imo.


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Review of Burning Heart by MONK

11 January 2025

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Burning Heart - 2/10

"Kane mouthed something that sounded like 'offer ducks snake!'"

I found Burning Heart a really difficult read. Author Dave stone is clearly brimming with ideas, however this book does not have much of substance going on within it.


The 6th Doctor: ol sixie is written quite well here I'd say. He is an obnoxious arse to Peri near the beginning but in a charming, getting too carried away with himself  kinda way rather than genuinely cruel. They also bring up the Doctor acting off due to his botched regeneration, however I would have much preferred this be only insinuated to affect him during the Twin Dilemma than basically all of his first season.

The location: The picture painted by this book with all the different aliens described is great. More doctor who locations should have a variety of different species inhabiting them.

Queeg: His speaking gimmick was some much needed levity in the otherwise drab prose throughout the rest of the book.


Pacing: It takes about 100 pages to get to the point the blurb describes. This would be fine if there was good characters and world building keeping me entertained instead. There wasn't.

Overstuffing: There are SO many different groups of characters and none of them get properly fleshed out. The only likeable side character is a comedy relief alien called Queeg as mentioned above. On top of this we spend so much time with these side characters without the doctor or peri in the first half of the book and there is really no reason to care about what is happening.

Peri: This is not Peri. Hates travelling with the Doctor and is taken in by a racist extremism group quite easily. Sure she is influenced by the 'node' to be the worst version of herself but this is no version of her I recognise.

The node: This story tackles how people can be influenced by racist extremism and radical religious groups thanks to their charismatic leaders under times of hardship. Oh wait no they were all just influenced because of the node. It takes away from the real horror and message by giving a technobabble reason the population were being so horrible.



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Review of Doctor Who: The Massacre by MONK

6 January 2025

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My first review here - hi everyone 👋

I've been going through the first doctor's TV era in order and replaced some of the missing episodes with Target Novels.

I looooved this one.

Some highlights below:

I really don't know much about this time in history and while the story doesn't explain it super clearly, it was easy to get the jist of waring religious factions.

The Abbot looking exactly like the 1st doctor is the kinda thing I love and creates good hijinks

There is great character development from the first doctor here, relating to his view in "meddling".

You really feel bad for Steven when he is abandoned early on.

The moment Steven and the Doctor can finally leave but decide not to because they're now too invested in the situation is so good.


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