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JoshSnares has submitted 6 reviews and received 22 likes

Review of Forgotten Lives by JoshSnares

26 September 2024

We don’t deserve Eve Myles - what a powerhouse performer. Love this one, so visual but perfect for audio. Love it!


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Review of The Trials of a Time Lord by JoshSnares

4 September 2024

There are many elements to this story that I enjoy, such as the commentary on the future of television/streaming/AI. An obsession with viewing figures, cancelling shows before they're even given a chance. Focusing on reality TV because that's what gets the big numbers, art be damned.

But ultimately it feels as if it's guilty of the very thing it's trying to critique.

With endless cameos, it almost becomes comical at how many character reveals there are. I think it's supposed to be intentional but at points it doesn't feel like commentary, but just fan service.

I think the premise has been done before in Vengeance on Varos, and done better there imo.

All in all, I think our main characters had quite a bit to do, and Mel was a real joy. It was an enjoyable listen, but I think at six episodes, it's premise runs out of steam and turns into a Monster Mash. I prefer conversational Big Finish over Action Set Pieces.


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Review of Secrets of Telos by JoshSnares

12 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This story had no business being this good. I was expecting a straight forward fan service story, but was met with something much better than that.

Setting the story off of Telos was the smartest move, a few returning characters. A perfect blend of 80's and 60's Cybermen stories. The action of the 80s, and the ooky-spooky space fairing of the 60s.

At times it's very difficult to understand the Cybermen's voices, so I just kind of gave up and went off of context clues.

All of the Fifth Doctor's Big Finish outings find it hard not to bring up Adric, to the point where it's kind of comical. We get it! They didn't discuss it on the show. But it's getting a bit much haha. Well handled in this story though!


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Review of The Queen of Clocks by JoshSnares

5 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I really, really enjoyed this one - more than I was expecting.

It has similar elements to the Clockwork Droids first appearances, and giving them voices can be a little silly, but necessary for an audio story.

Colin and Bonnie are wonderful together, I love listening to them two. "I've got two hearts" "They need twice the workout!"

A great blend of New Mel and Classic Mel!

It's one of those stories where you can see the twist coming, but once it gets there, it pays off so well. A really weighty ending, and really elevated the whole production. Love!


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Review of Invasion of the Body Stealers by JoshSnares

4 June 2024

Acting as a sequel to The Return of Doctor Mysterio, 'Invasion of the Body Stealers' is a much more typical Who story. Jonathan Morris brings a rich world, interesting side characters and fits them in 58 minutes!

I enjoyed this story more than Harmony Shoals other appearances, and I think Big Finish does hour long adventures really well.

This is the first time I've heard Sadie Miller take on her mothers role of Sarah Jane, and I thought she was quite brilliant! Her and Tom have great chemistry. In the opening scene, it's the youngest Tom has sounded in years.


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Review of The Juggernauts by JoshSnares

30 May 2024

This really is one of the best Big Finish audios. Mel gets a lot to do, and even makes some questionable choices at the end. Colin is on fine form, from hilarious to serious within the same scene. Terry, as Davros, is incredible as always.

Turning the Mechanoids into something nightmarish. Some of the language around wheelchairs feels a bit outdated though, definitely brings to mind why RTD was big on removing that context for Davros.

Definitely recommend to those wanting to hear some Mel!!


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