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Completed, Unrated Stories

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Ratings & Reviews

Average Rating

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Time Travel


Release Date Range

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Classic Era Wilderness Years Revival Era Modern Era

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Release Year

Classic Who S15 (Minisode)

The Final Battle

Rating: 3.84

In Colour

The Daleks in Colour

Rating: 2.89

(Comic Relief) (Minisode)

Lenny Henry Regenerates into David Tennant

Rating: 2.38

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 5

Auld Lang Syne

Rating: 4.18

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 5

The False Dimitry

Rating: 2.68

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 5

Station to Station

Rating: 3.83

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 4

The Forth Generation

Rating: 3.77

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 4

Way of the Burryman

Rating: 3.73

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 4

Fond Farewell

Rating: 3.61

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 3

Monsters in Metropolis

Rating: 4.21

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 3

The Curse of Lady Macbeth

Rating: 2.89

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 3

The Hunting Season

Rating: 3.21

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 2

Planet of the End

Rating: 4.04

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 2

Fright Motif

Rating: 3.42

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 2

Girl, Deconstructed

Rating: 3.89

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 1

Food Fight

Rating: 3.03

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 1


Rating: 2.99

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 1

Sphere of Freedom

Rating: 3.14

Target Collection

Doctor Who: Dalek

Rating: 4.40

Doctor Who Lockdown

Farewell, Sarah Jane

Rating: 4.49

Doctor Who Lockdown

Rory’s Story

Rating: 3.79

Doctor Who Lockdown

Message from the Doctor

Rating: 3.82

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

The Clockwise War

Rating: 4.43

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

The Phantom Piper

Rating: 4.12