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GabeNotDave has submitted 6 reviews and received 5 likes

Review of Annihilators by GabeNotDave

14 May 2024

Instant classic<3 so perfect in every way:) incredible 3rd doctor adventure mixed with that mysterious backdoor pilot for the 2DAs, everything's just ✨️ so stellar 10/10


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Review of Till Death Us Do Part by GabeNotDave

9 May 2024

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This is one of my all time favorite episodes of Big Finish ever. The story came as a complete surprise to me. Given the Doctor shows up, I expected something a lot more fan-servicey along the likes of something in a River Song boxset, but here it doesn't feel that way at all. The central premise being about a shape-shifting enemy made the proper 8th Doctor's presence feel more earned, and McGann's performance seamlessly fits into the world of the Paternosters.

Now, I'm not a big fan of the Paternoster range. I love the characters, but Heritage was a bit of a letdown for me, and one of the reasons for this was that the series did not actually explore what the ins and outs of Jenny and Vastra's relationship are. Developing a backstory does not inherently create character depth, which was the major mistake in this range. Often, I feel Big Finish have such a perfect chance to jump on developing their central characters, but they frequently skirt the edges of any real growth, especially in the Paternoster Gang area. So, when this episode gives us such a fantastic examination of what make Jenny and Vastra a couple while still maintaining that crazy Paternoster wackiness, it's SO good! From beginning to end, the story kept my attention as the twists are unraveled, the characters bicker, and then such a sweet wedding at the end - only for the rug to be pulled from under us with the cliffhanger! It's the perfect balance of fan service craziness, stellar comedy, and romantic drama in a story that's frankly too short. I want more! Which I never expected to say about this range. 10/10


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Review of The Witching Tree by GabeNotDave

3 May 2024

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This story is exactly what I wanted from Rani Takes On The World: an actual podcast episode! For the most part, I was disappointed because the whole premise of the story is she's creating a podcast, and to me, the perfect way to tell these stories would be through that podcast format. A shame it only happened once, but here it is! And its easily, in my opinion, the best of the Rani adventures thus far. Probably the only real weakness of this story is the way it slowly transitions back to the normal format, and the presence of Tyler Steele - which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but he's perhaps a more prominent in the story then a Torchwood character should have in a SJA continuation. Those are two different spinoffs,, and as much as I love the crossovers Big Finish does, making Tyler a key player here was imo something of a mistake.

One of my all time favorite podcasts is The Lovecraft Investigations, and as I was listening to this episode I thought it had the same vibe of that series. Turns out, that podcast actually inspired the story anyway! So dear reader, my recommendation to you are this episode and The Lovecraft Investigations as well!:)



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Review of The Night of 1000 Stars by GabeNotDave

3 May 2024

One of the best audio stories ever??? Quite possibly. I love The Night of 1000 Stars. There's something so captivating about a Jago & Litefoot story that has a dark tone. The lightness of the duo balances out the grim material and gives it a really strong edge, and in this story the theme is regret. The lead cast is locked in a room, hiding from a monster, and confessing their deepest secrets and regrets to one another as the night progresses into creepier territory. With Ellie and Leela adding to the flow of the story, Jago's theatrical presentation structures the episode in a unique way unlike any other story. If I were to pick one big finish story to get it animated, it would absolutely be this one:)


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Review of The Thousand Year Thaw by GabeNotDave

3 May 2024

This episode is very special to me. Despite the Quin Dilemma's structure in my opinion sort of being a weakness for this boxset, this particular part manages to take advantage of the shorter section by giving a really powerful close look at the relationship between 6 and Peri. It's emotional, it's hopeful, it's tragic, it's everything you could want from a story that takes a proper examination of the 6/Peri dynamic and how it's grown over time. I will cherish this episode for many years to come<3


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Review of Dream Team by GabeNotDave

3 May 2024

This story is an instant favorite. Two of Big Finish's strengths are 1) providing more depth to classic characters and 2) being able to seamlessly blend the classic era of Doctor Who with the modern one. This release does both perfectly, and it's a testament to the powerhouse of the Season 19 tardis team that they make up the entire cast of the episode! We get a fascinating examination of how each character would react to a nightmare world of their own making, and the trippy nature of the dream crabs propels this story with ideal pace. For me, this has established itself as one of my all time favorite Doctor Who stories, ever!:)


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