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JO: Who is he and how did he get in here?
THIRD DOCTOR: Well it's a bit difficult to explain, Jo.
JO: He's not one of them, is he?
THIRD DOCTOR:: Well, not so much one of them as one of us. One of me to be precise.
SECOND DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no, no. I'm sorry, my dear, I hate to be contrary but I can see he's a little bit confused, poor old chap, and I do feel you should have the correct explanation. You don't mind, do you.
SECOND DOCTOR: I didn't think you would. You see, Jo. I may call you Jo, mayn't I? You see, he is one of me.
JO: Oh, I see. You're both Time Lords.
SECOND DOCTOR: Well quite. Well, not quite.
JO: Oh.
SECOND DOCTOR: Not, not just Time Lords. We're the same Time Lord.
THIRD DOCTOR:: Now please, you're only confusing my assistant. Jo, it's all quite simple. I am he and he is me.
JO: "And we are all together, goo goo ga joob?"
— The Three Doctors
DOCTOR: Oh, my giddy aunt.
— Second Doctor, The Krotons
JAMIE: Doctor, come on, will ye? The whole place is going to blow up.
DOCTOR: Oh, it's quite all right, Jamie. The planet is quite safe. There's just going to be a localised volcanic eruption. It'll only affect the island.
JAMIE: Maybe so, but we happen to be on the island.
DOCTOR: Oh, my word!
— The Dominators
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