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Tags: Speech
BERNICE: So, do you have a girlfriend?
BERNICE: Boyfriend?
BERNICE: Model Railway Set?
DOCTOR: Somewhere. The TARDIS is full of surprises.
BERNICE: But you’re not the sort of person that keeps a big table, with tiny trees and signal boxes and things?
BERNICE: Ah, then you must be interested in law and order.
DOCTOR: No. I like chaos. Big explosions. Rebellions. That sort of thing. Why do you ask?
BERNICE: Because I want to know why you go around in a police box!
DOCTOR: You know what one is?
BERNICE: It’s from my favourite era.
DOCTOR: I could’ve changed it ages ago. But I like the shape. And the motto. Call here for help. That’s what I do. I let the little children sleep safely at night, because I’ve searched through all the shadows and chased the baddies away. I’m what monsters have nightmares about! But everybody’s a monster sometimes. We all do things we regret. And sometimes we have to lose things very precious to us.
— Love and War
Tags: Funny
SHELDUKHER: I still don’t know who you are.
DOCTOR: It’s not worth worrying about. My past is so complicated even I get confused occasionally.
— The Highest Science
The moment the doors of the blue box opened, and a small, rather exuberant gentleman in a gaudy pullover, tartan trousers and brown corduroy jacket emerged, the atmosphere changed completely. Perhaps it was the white Panama hat perched upon his head like a nesting bird; perhaps the fact that beneath its brim, like two large, round eggs, his eyes were bright and full of joyful intelligence. Whatever it was, the sum of all the individual details added up to a personality shining with the conviction that, whatever the situation, whatever the galaxy, it could be grasped as firmly and immediately as the crooked handle of his umbrella.
Twirling the umbrella like an old-fashioned propeller, the gentleman looked around, wide eyed, as if he couldn’t believe his luck in landing exactly where he had. A corridor! Yes, but what sort of corridor? What was it a corridor in? Where did it lead? And what adventures were lying in wait for him at either end?
— Lucifer Rising
DOCTOR: I’ve seen Slake and the others now. They don’t deserve to be kept alive. Not at the cost of other’s suffering and death.
SAM: Isn’t that my line?
DOCTOR: Of course, you were right.
SAM: But what about all that stuff you were saying, about everyone having the right to live-
DOCTOR: Oh, that’s right as well.
HARRIS: But they completely contradict each other?
DOCTOR: You’re right too. Now all you need to do is figure out how we can all be right at the same time, then you’ll have it.
— Vampire Science
DOCTOR: What do you want me to be? Someone who knows exactly what he’s doing and has it all under control, or just some fellow who makes it up as he goes along, and still makes it happen? Which do you want it to be? Magic tricks, or magic?
— Eighth Doctor, Vampire Science
BREGMAN: You want to go there? Why, for God’s sake?
DOCTOR: I’m half-stupid. On my mother’s side.
— Alien Bodies
DOCTOR: Believing in magic is easy, the reaction of a cowardly mind to explain away any phenomenon that vexes the intellect. But finding magic in the realities of existence… seeking out some hidden truth to cling to from every painful experience we endure… that is never easy. That takes courage.
— First Doctor, Ten Little Aliens
LORRAINE: You really think Davros is alive?
DOCTOR: Oh yes, he survived. People like him - and me - don’t know any different.
— Davros
“We mustn’t change history,” Susan pouted. Ian had been so awed by her work on the portal that he’d almost forgotten she was just in her teens.
”But Susan,” said the Doctor in his softest voice, “we change history every time we step out of the doors of the ship.”
“You said that-“ began Barbara.
The Doctor whirled on her. “Do you really want to know, Miss Wright?” he said. “Do you really want to know? The TARDIS is built specifically not to change history. We can visit, we can observe, and the ship can disguise itself so no one need ever know we were there. But only so long as we never step outside. We watch it all on the scanner. My people, you see…” He paused, searching for the words.
”Doctor?” Barbara prompted.
”I couldn’t do that, could you?” he said. “It’s not travel, it wouldn’t be real. We’ve seen the most interesting things, but without stepping out of those doors, I might as well have stayed in your time, content with your television sets.”
Ian took Barbara’s hand, stopping her from responding. He knew what she wanted to say: that the Doctor had lied to them, that time in Mexico. He had lied to them about what they could do, about what their responsibilities were. He had made them feel like children, when they had been right all along. Still, recriminations could wait.
— The Time Travellers
DOCTOR: It always feels like she’s come home whenever we pop back here. To the 1960’s I mean, not to London airport.
— Fifth Doctor, 1963: Fanfare for the Common Men
DOCTOR: Faith’s a wonderful thing, Chaplain. I love faith. But the best place to have it is in yourself.
— Tenth Doctor, The Weeping Angels of Mons
DOCTOR: We are all time machines Alice. Just close your eyes and remember.
— Eleventh Doctor, The Comfort of the Good
CONSTANCE: So does the Master’s TARDIS always look like one of these ticket machines?
DOCTOR: Oh no. Like him, the Master’s TARDIS is a master of disguise.
CONSTANCE: I see. Whereas, like you, your TARDIS is happy to stick out like a sore thumb.
DOCTOR: I shall ignore that.
— The End of the Line
SAM: Are you seriously telling me you somehow missed the end of the world?
DOCTOR: Oh it’s never the end. Not while I’m still here.
— The Hyperion Empire
DOCTOR: I’m the Doctor. Google me, I dare you. It’ll blow your mind. The only true bits are the ones that are impossible to believe.
— Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald and the School of Death
OSGOOD 1: The Prime Minister’s-
OSGOOD 2: -An alien?!
KATE STEWART: Not again. Politicians these days just can’t hang onto their humanity.
— Clara Oswald and the School of Death
DOCTOR: Poor Sonny. He sacrificed himself so that we would live.
CLARA: He was a stuffed fish!
DOCTOR: Stuffed full of courage and nobility. He was the best companion I ever had. Oh alright then, the best companion with a sword for a nose that I ever had.
ATHENA: Shouldn’t… shouldn’t we be taking rather more with us? Weapons for example?
DOCTOR: Weapons? Highly overrated. The universe is full of many terrible and terrifying things. I’ve faced and defeated a great deal of them, and never once felt the need for a weapon in my hand.
— Gaze of the Medusa
MASTER: Well hello then young lady, I’m called the Master. Don’t listen to a word he says about me. He’ll make all these terrible claims saying I’ve done this; caused that; murdered these people; eradicated this species, but don’t believe any of it. In reality I am far, far worse.
— The Two Masters
RYAN: That bit you said earlier, about choosing friends over fear. Is that why you brought us along with you?
DOCTOR: That’s part of it. But not all. You know when you’ve seen your favourite film dozens of times? What’s the one thing you can do to make it feel brand new again?
RYAN: Uh… show it to someone who hasn’t seen it before?
DOCTOR: Exactly! New eyes… they can make even the universe itself feel new too.
— A New Beginning
DOCTOR: If there’s anyone in this universe who’s an expert on running, Magda, it’d be me. I’ve run away from things you’ve never dreamed. Towards things from your worst nightmares. I’ve gone further than any of you could imagine. And you know what I learned? Sometimes, running is the bravest thing you can do. Because running away? That’s still making a choice. It’s telling someone or something no. It’s you saying “No universe, not today!” Because you still have things left to do and see and live. Giving up? Leaving your fate to the monsters on your trail? I have to think that running is braver than that.
— Thirteenth Doctor, Hidden Human History
MASTER: Even I am not immune to the occasional weakness. Oh, I can watch an entire city burn to the ground with barely a flicker of concern. But I only have to hear the opening lines of ‘Dido’s Lament’ and… floods of tears. Embarrassing really.
— The War Master, Darkness and Light
Tags: Multi-Doctor
TENTH DOCTOR: A good friend of mine once said I needed people to stop me. But I get things done on my own.
FOURTH DOCTOR: I shouldn’t need stopping! Other people should be what keep us going!
TENTH DOCTOR: Maybe I thought that once, back when I was you. What keeps me going now are the likes of them - Daleks. The worst things in the universe. There are so many out there, you’ve only scratched the surface. If ever I ask myself “have I the right to do what’s needed to beat them?” You know what I think now?
— Out of Time 1
DOCTOR: I can’t be doing with all that sleeping, there’s too many planets. What if you sleep and miss a whole planet. Nightmare, yeah?
— Thirteenth Doctor, The Terror of the Umpty Ums
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