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DarthGallifrey Castellan
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DarthGallifrey has submitted 22 reviews and received 49 likes

Review of Affirmative by DarthGallifrey

7 March 2025

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A little short story set between Invasion of Time and the Gallifrey series (I am of course, stating this in hindsight as the Gallifrey audio series didn't exist at the time this story was written). It focuses on K9 on Gallifrey and a brief meeting with the Seventh Doctor. It's a sweet little story and though the focus is K9, it features Leela during the happy times and is just wonderful.


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Review of Games by DarthGallifrey

6 March 2025

This was really good! A game of four-dimensional chess between "The Mandarin" and "The Entity" does not disappoint. It's heavily suggested that these two characters are the Toymaker and Fenric respectively. The stakes between the two are high, and the end result, a stalemate, is brilliant. A fun, well-written little piece that's quite short, but amazing in its implications for the two characters.


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Review of Reunion by DarthGallifrey

6 March 2025

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At some point long after the Sixth Doctor was forced to abandon Peri on Thoros Beta, he comes to Krontep twenty years into her reign as queen to apologize. The Doctor in this story isn't specified, though based on the description and time of writing it might be an older Seven close to his regeneration in the TV Movie. The story itself is rather sad and haunting (and has since been contradicted by later stories). But it is well-written and a quick read. If you're interested in a take on Peri's fate after her departure, I think this is worth the read.


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Review of Anti-Matter With Fries by DarthGallifrey

6 March 2025

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What did I just read? I get that Gareth Roberts is known for his more humorous stories, but this was just ridiculous. It's a little short story that sees the Ergon (the wierd alien chicken monster from Arc of Infinity) arrive on Earth on a scouting mission for Omega. It walks into what seems to be a KFC where a young Ace just happens to work. Ace thinks it's a guy in a suit and gives him an order of fries which he takes back to Omega who complains that they're unsalted. Author aside, this just wasn't very good and was just kinda dumb. Oh well, at least it only took a couple minutes to read.


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Review of The Final Quest by DarthGallifrey

28 February 2025

An interesting little one-shot comic about a particularly cruel Sontaran and his quest for the ultimate weapon. It's not groundbreaking or outstanding, but it's not bad either. I rather liked the Doctor's narration to the story. The conclusion, of the Sontaran tricked into his own death, was rather clever. In the end, a nice little story that expands the universe just a little bit further.


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Review of Case File Three: Krasko by DarthGallifrey

26 February 2025

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Nothing really of substance here. Very basic in its recap of the episode and even that's just kinda meh. yes, Rosa Parks is famous and her actions were a key event, but to say that she alone kickstarted the civil rights movement isn't quite accurate as it was in reality more a tapestry of people and events.


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Review of The Klepton Parasites by DarthGallifrey

26 February 2025

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This isn't as bad as a lot of the later Polystyle comics get. It's not anything outstanding, but for the average grade-schooler (first through fifth grader) I could see this being a lot of fun. It's got decent artwork, the Doctor looks like his TV counterpart, the aliens are decent designs, and the plot is serviceable if a bit on the simple side. It moves along at a good pace and the action is fun. Plot-wise, it's a simple story of one alien species enslaving another and the Doctor and his grandkids getting involved and putting an end to villains' plans. Yes, the girl companion Gillian gets a bit sidelined, and the boy companion is a little trigger-happy, but it's a fun little pulp adventure comic for younger kids. It's the materpieces of storytelling that DWM would achieve, but it's serviceable and isn't boring.


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Review of A Ghost Story for Christmas by DarthGallifrey

25 February 2025

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I remember watching this at some point several years ago (the only one of these Case Files/Monster Files I've seen up until today). It's really good. Barrowman's measured narration, the amateur feel of the cinematography, the lack of major effect shots. It's really good. I could've done without the clips from interspersed among the narrative footage, but for a short 3-minute clip it's very well done and quite creppy.


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Review of Case File Two: The Remnants by DarthGallifrey

25 February 2025

This one was fine. I mean, it's well done, it just felt less meaty than the previous one.


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Review of Case File One: The Stenza by DarthGallifrey

25 February 2025

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A simple look at the first monster/villain of Series 11 through a short in-universe case file narrated by Yaz. An over-simplfied account of the episode, but well done and doesn't feel dumb. I get that it's a little bit of promotional material, but it feels like it fits in the universe. Nothing special, but also doesn't leave you questioning why this ever got made.


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