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MISSY: I am your friend.

DOCTOR: Makes no difference.

MISSY: I know it doesn't. I know I'm going to die. I have to say it, the truth. Without hope. Without witness. Without reward. I am your friend.

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: I never forget a face.

CURATOR: I know you don't. And in years to come, you might find yourself revisiting a few. But just the old favourites, eh?

DONNA: I made up the perfect man. Gorgeous, adores me, and hardly able to speak a word. What's that say about me?

DOCTOR: Everything. Sorry, did I say everything? I meant to say nothing. I was aiming for nothing. I accidentally said everything.

DONNA: I can't understand you. How many words? One. One word. Shake. Milk shake. Milk? Milk? No, not milk? Shake, shake, shake. Cocktail shaker. What do you want, a Harvey Wallbanger?

DOCTOR: Harvey Wallbanger?

DONNA: Well, I don't know.

DOCTOR: How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?

NARVIN: One thing our President cannot be accused of is incompetence. She may be guilty of compassion, intuition, emotion, honesty, integrity - pragmatism, even. But she is supremely competent. That is the root cause of most of our problems.

— Narvin, The Inquiry

CHARLEY: Come on. Take my hand.

DOCTOR: But we can see now. We don’t need to hold on to each other.

CHARLEY: I know. Take my hand anyway.

DOCTOR: Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon.

— Sixth Doctor, The Caves of Androzani

MASTER: I know this is going to be hard to believe, Doctor, but for once I mean you no harm.

DOCTOR: Like Alice, I try to believe three impossible things before breakfast. Go on.

ROMANA: Newton? Who's Newton?

DOCTOR: Old Isaac? Friend of mine on Earth. He discovered gravity. Well, I say he discovered gravity. I had to give him a bit of a prod.

ROMANA: What did you do?

DOCTOR: Climbed up a tree.


DOCTOR: Dropped an apple on his head.

ROMANA: Ah, and so he discovered gravity.

DOCTOR: No, no, he told me to clear off out of his tree. I explained it to him afterwards at dinner.

DOCTOR: Er, excuse me! What I'd like to know. Where did you get those jelly babies?

ROMANA: Same place you get them.

DOCTOR: Where?

ROMANA: Your pocket.

DOCTOR: By the time I've called look out, what's your name?

ROMANA: Romanadvoratnelundar.

DOCTOR: By the time I've called that out, you could be dead. I'll call you Romana.

ROMANA: I don't like Romana.

DOCTOR: It's either Romana or Fred.

ROMANA: All right, call me Fred.

DOCTOR: Good. Come on, Romana.

ROMANA: My name is Romanadvoratnelundar.

DOCTOR: I'm so sorry about that. Is there anything we can do?