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A selection of tools to use your TARDIS Guide data!

Time-Space Randomiser

Ever feel like experiencing a completely random story of Doctor Who and its spin-offs? With our Time-Space Randomiser, you can be guided to a completely random (or not-so-random, as you can choose options!) episode to enjoy.

Compare Stories

Are you looking for stories you and your friends have not seen yet? Books for your book club that no-one has read? Or favourite stories you both have in common? Compare stories with Friends!

Bulk Complete Stories

So you've seen a LOT of Who, and don't want to wear your clicking finger down "completing" every episode? We've got you covered! Just answer a few questions and we'll bulk complete the stories for you!

Export Stories

We believe your data is yours to keep and use as you wish! Export all the stories you've completed on TARDIS Guide!