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First aired

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Production Code


Written by

Russell T Davies

Directed by

Keith Boak


45 minutes

Story Type


Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London

UK Viewers

7.98 million

Appreciation Index



With the threat of interplanetary war looming, the human race prepare for the end, little knowing their enemies lie at the heart of the British government. As the Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and new friend Harriet Jones battle for their lives in 10 Downing Street, the Slitheen family set their plans for the destruction of Earth into motion. With the world changing around him, the Doctor is powerless, and it seems only Mickey Smith can save the world...

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8 reviews

2025 Rewatch (This review with be on both parts)

  • Honestly, I feel a sigh every time I come to review this story, but I have to give it some credit, the scope of the story is huge and it feels layered as hell
  • The political commentary is clear as day and a little funny, if not insulting to those of a bigger builds
  • I always feel a sense of aggravation that they never really explore the stuff Mickey went through any further than they did
  • I also ache for Jackie, she goes through so much in this story and is just left once again alone. I think it's part of my mindset, but I wished Rose explained it to her more, feel so sorry for her
  • The only issue with the Slitheen is the literal contrast between their practical suits and the CGI, its quite funny. When in suits they travel slower than a human, but the CGI travels 3 times as fast


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Disclaimer: This Review is exactly the same as my Review for "Aliens of London", since my Thoughts don't vary as much between the Two Parts.

This one could really do it for me if it wasn’t for all the farts joke and the rather campy tone. Don’t get me wrong, I love campy when it’s done very well, personally I don’t think Russel is good at handling it (this one and space babies are very jarring to watch because of those kinds of jokes). I do love the Design of the Slitheens and there are some great Bits here.

Personally, Series 1 had a weak first half overall, not bad but like I find myself feel very underwhelmed looking back on some Episodes. Not to say that RTD can’t handle a more campy Doctor Who Episode, but for me, he strikes me the best when he lets others do it than do those himself.


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If you ever want to bring my government down in two words, say 'Ten seconds' exasperatedly, then shrug and walk off.


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This episode is definitely a step down from the first part of this story. Eccleston, Piper, Clarke, Coduri, and Wilton are the biggest saving graces, delivering excellent performances in an an otherwise iffy episode. The ending is one of my biggest issues with this story, with 10 Downing Street literally being blown up, something which seemingly has little effect on Britain and the world. I do enjoy what this episode does to set up Harriet Jones, as she's a personal favorite side character of mine. Overall, a decent ending to our first alien invasion story of the revival.


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I liked it less than the previous part. Doctor Who has a whole bunch of less serious episodes like this one and it is executed more or less correctly, playing between the immediate threat of a nuclear attack and the incompetence of the Slitheens, it makes for a decent comedy with even more political commentary than the previous part.

I think that the FX are a bit uglier than in the previous episode. The transition Slitheen in a costume and Slitheen running in 3D is a bit too jarring but I think they just did what they could and running around in those costumes must not have been easy.

I still don't like Mickey. They just made him a nerd who is now capable of hacking and it's pretty bad. He's still a comedic relief but this time the main source of comedy is either him getting bullied by the Doctor or his incompetence and it doesn't works at all.

The episode is even more on the nose regarding it's political commentary. It has a strong message about war only serving financial interests, all the comedy about the government incompetence and the fact that it's that easy to get access to the nuclear bomb by creating false threats and that it is that easy to launch a missile works great and is surprisingly still never corny.

I really liked all the scenes that are more character centric as it helps developing a lot more the characters and giving hints on their personality, such as when they are sheltered waiting for Downing Street to be bombed, it's great seeing The Doctor not wanting to cause any more casualties than he already has, Rose blase attitude regarding her death, Jackie's concerns regarding her own daughter and Mickey willing to risk it all are just hints of character traits we'll see more of in the future. But I think the character that takes all the spotlight is Hariet Jones. She is just magnificient here, taking decisions as the only democratically elected person in the room. It's just really fun to see all her genius moments and her facial expressions are just really fun.

The ending is a bit too rushed, The Slitheen all being in the same room, naked without their costumes feels a bit too easy and forced and it was a bit too disapointing.

The tone of the episode changes for the ending, Rose assuring her mother she will be back within 10 seconds and Jackie counting to 10 knowing well she won't is a great moment and ends the episode on a more somber and melancholic tone, putting a focus on the feeling of being abandoned.

I think overall it's a less interesting episode than the previous part. It was a good standard Doctor Who adventure, the focus put on the characters is all great but I'm a bit disapointed all the highlights are put in the last part of the episode.




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AVG. Rating822 members
3.40 / 5

AVG. Rating1,641 votes
3.68 / 5

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DOCTOR: This is my life, Jackie. It’s not fun, it’s not smart, it’s just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will.

— Ninth Doctor, World War Three

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Transcript Needs checking

(Transcriber's note - Cabinet scene extended from the version on my old DVD with the aid of Georgia. Thank you.)

[Briefing room]

(The Doctor manages to rip off his ID card.)

DOCTOR: Deadly to humans, maybe.
(And pushes it against the collar around the neck of the revealed Slitheen, enveloping it and Green with the electricity. They don't like it.
Neither does the one in the Cabinet Office or Jackie's kitchen. The Doctor, Rose and Harriet Jones make their escapes, but Jackie is still trapped.)

[The Tyler's flat]

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