Stories Audio Drama Big Finish Main Range Main Range Episode 10 Winter for the Adept 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 9 reviews 5 February 2025 · 458 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers This review contains spoilers! Comparando com os outros Doutores (6°, 7° e 8° Doutor) infelizmente o 5° Doutor teve um certo azar com sua sequência inicial de áudios, recebendo baixas avaliações ou regulares por um número bem significativo de fãs e ouvintes. Essa é uma história muito mais lucido e organizada no que se diz de estrutura, conceitos e reprodução de ideias ainda mais fazendo uma comparação ao seu anterior o The Land Of The Dead, mas ainda sofre notáveis deslizes. A primeira metade é algo que me fez acreditar que o escritor Andrew Cartmel teve seu primeiro contato com histórias do gênero terror e spooky house, um dia antes de escrever o roteiro de Winter For The Adept – É algo que beira ao ridículo, simplesmente Nyssa e o Doutor trancados em uma casa com personagens aleatórios presenciando “”atividades paranormais”’ das mais bestas e mal elaboradas possíveis do tipo: “Veja! A mesa se moveu sozinha!” “Oh meu deus, quem é que está tocando o piano?” Além de estar longe de ser algo assustador e surpreendente, alguns personagens tem um sotaque francês caricato bem ridículo podendo considerar até mesmo como algo preconceituoso. Felizmente o áudio melhora muito em sua segunda parte, apresentando de fato conceitos bem interessantes que mescla com algo alienígena, espíritos e fantasmas, muitos de seus personagens crescem de forma assustadora, mistérios e suspeitas são levantadas apresentando um quebra cabeça instigante a história. Mas que cai por terra em sua conclusão bem estalar de dedos e confusa, a revelação por trás do perigo dos “”fantasmas”” é um pouco exagerada, por fim tudo se resultando na forma mais padrão possível de encerrar uma história de Doctor Who... claro, com UMA EXPLOSÃO! kkkkk (como diria meu amigo d3ner haha). Alguns de seus pontos positivos estão na atmosfera e criação de mundo, de fato muito imersivo - É muito estranho ouvir a India Fisher como uma outra personagem que não seja. Em inúmeras vezes você remete a companion do 8° Doutor. Alison é uma personagem doce que depois se torna um mistério trazendo alguns trechos obscuros para ela, eu fiquei com uma sensação que ela era uma farsa, se passava de boazinha mais no fundo tinha todo um plano cabuloso maligno. E a Miss Tremayne trazia um tom mais medonho a trama com sua fé obcecada e cega. Os personagens dos professores são meio nulos no começo, mas depois eles crescem na trama. Em resumo, embora Andrew Cartmel tenha feito escolhas que ao me ver fizeram a qualidade cair de forma significativa, ainda sim Winter For The Adept consegue ser uma boa história... um áudio ok, apenas. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 0 29 December 2024 · 428 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! “Winter for the Adept: A Haunting Mystery in the Swiss Alps” Winter for the Adept offers a compelling setup with its atmospheric setting and eerie premise, even if the story doesn’t fully deliver on its initial promise. Set in a remote Swiss boarding school in 1963, the tale is rooted in a Gothic mystery tradition that leans into themes of isolation, strange occurrences, and suspicion. The story begins uniquely with Alison narrating, which helps establish the school and its students before Nyssa's arrival. Watching Nyssa work independently, investigating the school’s alleged spirits, is refreshing and highlights her resourcefulness. Sarah Sutton handles the increased focus on Nyssa with aplomb, bringing depth and curiosity to her character. The atmosphere is palpable, with strong sound design and writing evoking an intimate yet chilling environment reminiscent of Land of the Dead. The haunted house feel that takes over once the Doctor arrives adds a layer of tension, as accusations fly among the characters while they’re trapped inside. However, the story's explanation for the strange events—telepathic powers and extra-dimensional forces—feels a bit underwhelming. The shift from a potentially unique spin on a supernatural mystery to a more standard Doctor Who explanation robs the narrative of some of its intrigue. The telepathic elements create an eerie atmosphere but don’t quite mesh with the rest of the story’s tone. India Fisher’s early role as Peril is a fascinating footnote, though her performance is somewhat distracting for listeners familiar with her iconic portrayal of Charley Pollard. Sally Faulkner and Peter Jurasik add strong performances, with Faulkner bringing authority and Jurasik lending an air of mystery. The pacing is steady, with strange events peppered throughout to maintain tension, but it doesn’t remain consistently engaging. The final part, while faster-paced, feels overly drawn out, and the climax lacks the impact needed to close the story on a high note. Additionally, the sound design falters in these later parts, which detracts from the immersive experience. 📝Verdict: 6/10 As Andrew Cartmel’s first Big Finish script, Winter for the Adept is notable for its rare pairing of Nyssa and the Fifth Doctor under his pen. The setting and atmosphere are its strongest elements, but the story struggles to maintain focus and feels uneven in its execution. While not without its flaws, this audio drama offers an intriguing, atmospheric experience that fans of Gothic mysteries and Nyssa-centric tales may find worth exploring. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 1 27 September 2024 · 78 words Review by kiraoho Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! 19.02.2022 Meh. Perfectly listenable and perfectly forgettable. The villains are very campy and simplistic, which didn't work for me this time. The reveal felt more like a rugpull than a payoff. Peter Davison's got a really nice and smooth voice. It's remarkable how at the start of his era I felt his was the blandest yet. Also Doctor casually commits another genocide. Out of principle I will give it 0/5, because I don't see what else this story is about. kiraoho View profile Like Liked 1 28 August 2024 · 329 words Review by slytherindoctor Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! MR 010: Winter for the Adept Well I did say for the Fifth and Seventh Doctors to get their act together. And it seems they did. This one is quite good. I also have been known to say that Doctor Who can be dropped into any story and it can work. This is a great example of that. This is a straight up ghost story. There's a psychic, a telekinetic, poltergeist activity, and a REAL ghost. An evil alien from another dimension has been opening up a portal for an invasion fleet with the use of human psychics and a human ghost. Yes. That's the summary. And it's not super important. The important thing is that the atmosphere is quite well done here. The haunting music, the sound effects of things moving about, the piano playing on its own. It sounds like a haunted house. And what a great setting for a haunted house too: a super expensive finishing school in the middle of the Swiss Alps in a blizzard. Totally isolated. A lot of it reminded me of Luigi's Mansion because that was one of my favorite games as a kid. This story also features India Fisher in a pre-Charley role, which was wild. Her voice is so recognizeable that I was thrown off for a second. This is also probably the first time I've ever had Nyssa in a story and felt like she had a personality. She's actually on the Doctor's ass. Constantly berating him for accidentally teleporting her here and being sarcastic about his failures. I'm also, hopefully, kind of starting to understand the appeal of the Fifth Doctor as well. He mumbles a lot, he's very easy to push around, he seems very unsure of himself, and he stutters a lot. Maybe that's the appeal? He's someone you want to protect? Regardless, this was a very fun story. Definitely the best Fifth Doctor story so far and the best non-Sixth Doctor story so far easily. slytherindoctor View profile Like Liked 3 26 August 2024 · 35 words Review by twelvesoswald Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! i really enjoyed how everything pieced together. the villain felt a little bit empty tbh but the mystery and some of the conclusion was quite intriguing/unexpected ! love 5/nyssa solo, they are a great pairing. twelvesoswald View profile Like Liked 2 6 August 2024 · 1153 words Review by Speechless Spoilers 9 This review contains spoilers! The Monthly Adventures #010 - "Winter for the Adept" by Andrew Cartmel Relistening to audios I’ve already experienced was one of the things I was primarily looking forward to in this marathon, mostly because I think I rated things a little wrong the first time around. On my first journey through The Monthly Range, skipping over most standalone adventures and poor, non-essential outings, the scores I dished out for these audio adventures were all incredibly high; the lowest I ever went was a 5/10 and eights were a commonality. I was actually looking forward to the bad stories, because it meant I could experience new lows and rant about them in these reviews, as well as get a complete picture for the Main Range. I’ve already experienced pain with The Genocide Machine and now I get to experience pure, unadulterated joy as I watch (or I guess listen) a story crash and burn before my eyes (or, ears, I suppose). This is Winter for the Adept: a trash fire. When a teleportation experiment gone wrong strands Nyssa in the blistering cold of a remote, Alpine all-girls school, the Trakenite finds herself wrapped up in a haunting, a schoolgirl’s elopement and an alien race’s experiments with psychic abilities. (CONTAINS SPOILERS) When you can only think of one or two positives for a story, you know you’re dealing with a hulking beast of a bad time. The one thing about Winter for the Adept that I could truly admire is that it had some good ideas. That is it. The idea of a haunting being caused by telepathy - a cool idea. The setting? I’ve already expressed my love for snowbound stories in The Land of the Dead, and the frozen and remote academy is a striking visual. There is good here, even if you have to dig for it. The biggest mercy I can give this story is I didn’t hate listening to it; that’s the only reason I didn’t give it a 1/10, I haven’t had this much fun laughing at a car crash since The Legend of the Sea Devils. But what caused this car to crash exactly? Where does Winter for the Adept go wrong? Everywhere. It goes wrong literally everywhere. The dialogue: atrocious, genuinely some of the worst I’ve ever heard to the point where it makes the Chibnall era look like a Tarantino film. There is not a single line of dialogue that feels natural, and by extension, none of the characters feel natural, not even Nyssa, whose performance is still on shaky ground. The Doctor’s the one character here that feasibly could be a real person (personality-wise, I don’t mean actually) and that’s mainly just because of Davison’s performance. India Fisher shows up six audios early and, whilst I don’t adore her performance as Charley or anything, it’s incredible to see how much better she must’ve gotten in half a year because dear god is she terrible here. Ok, just going to list some negatives, hold on: the sound design is a mess and I kept on thinking on of my earbuds had disconnected, it feels like it’s trying to go for some heightened realism thing with all the “eccentric” personalities but then decides to play the entire thing straight, just making every character embarrassing, the Spillagers are villains we are told are “evil” and “dangerous” but we never actually get to see why or are even told what they’re whole deal is, just that they have something to do with telekinesis and despite only being 90 minutes long, it felt like it had overstayed its welcome halfway through. Despite its many, many, many flaws, I’d struggle to call Winter for the Adept bad, just incredibly baffling. What Andrew Cartmel must’ve been on to think this was a finished product is beyond me. The Doctor isn’t in a majority of Part One; why? Literally no reason. A ghost just shows up in Part Three and then has no bearing on the plot, and if you want to know just how utterly f**ked this entire script is, the climax happens off screen. The climax. Happens. Off. Screen. That has to be the most basic thing Cartmel could’ve gotten wrong here. And that’s not even mentioning it’s paced horribly: we’re knee deep in the plot by the five minute mark and I’ve had no time to adjust to this setting or world, so any atmosphere or immersion I may have had is just gone. Plus, it’s bookended by an exceedingly pointless narration by one of the characters. Odd choice, but I’m pretty sure it’s only there because Andrew Cartmel didn’t know how to start or end this dumpster fire of a “story”. I really would give Winter for the Adept a 1/10, I really would, but I can’t bring myself to because it’s just so goddamn funny. There is a moment where a table is levitated using telekinesis and is used to attack an alien, and India Fisher’s character’s reaction is “Oh good! A floating table! Just what I’ve always wanted!” in absolute sincerity and that is the hardest I’ve laughed since a PNG jumped onto a ghost ship in The Legend of the Sea Devils. If you want to experience a story beautifully fall to lower and lower levels of quality, whilst breaking all its metaphorical bones, I highly recommend Winter for the Adept; it might sometimes get a little dull, and a little painful, but the bits where you can just sit back and laugh at it are pure gold. 2/10 Pros: + There were a few good ideas hidden in the piles of garbage + Not actively painful to sit through Cons: - The absolute worst dialogue I have ever heard in a DW story - Every single character is either dull or works to annoy me - Has no tonal focus and can’t decide if it wants to be a fun runaround, a horror story or a comedy - Way too fast paced - The Spillagers are extremely underwhelming villains - The plot is so poorly designed that it ends off screen - Terrible sound design that made some scenes actively painful to sit through - Bookended by completely pointless and annoying narration - Makes constant baffling decisions, like the sudden introduction of a ghost who has next to no bearing on the narrative or the Doctor being missing for a good twenty minutes - India Fisher’s character in particular was awfully written as well as acted Speechless View profile Like Liked 9 29 June 2024 · 245 words Review by thedefinitearticle63 Spoilers 5 This review contains spoilers! This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order. Previous Story: The Land of the Dead Even if the stories can be some generic, what early Big Finish does best is absolutely the atmosphere. This story has a great soundscape and a perfect setting for a horror story like this one. There's more focus on the environment and it really makes even somewhat duller stories feel quite alive. This is something I think Big Finish have a lot less of now. The actual story itself is good fun, a great little ghost story though it could have done with one less part in my opinion. Peter Davison is doing much better in this, he sounds more like the Doctor here. Sarah Sutton is alright as Nyssa though she lacks the characterisation that I'm used to in later stories (I can't fault this story for that). The score is really good and I like how it ties into the actual story. The accents definitely vary in quality. The French teacher has a solid French accent but I'm not sure what the accents of Miss Tremayne and the Lieutenant are supposed to be. Still, it's not too distracting. This might not be 5 and Nyssa's greatest outing but it definitely shows potential for the future of their stories and of the Main Range in general. Next Story: The Mutant Phase thedefinitearticle63 View profile Like Liked 5 22 May 2024 · 118 words Review by ItsR0b0tNinja 1 Winter for the Adept is another dud for the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa. The initial story is interesting, and there are good ideas sprinkled throughout. But sadly, it just doesn't turn into anything good. It just turns into laborious scenes of people discovering something and talking about it in a room. The characterisation seems off as well. Nyssa, for some reason, is a whiny mess here. The guest cast does a good job with what they are given, but really even they can't save it. It was interesting hearing Peter Jurasik in a role other than Londo in Babylon 5. Overall, I think it's just a boring, and forgetful adventure that fails to live up to its initial idea. ItsR0b0tNinja View profile Like Liked 1 17 May 2024 · 328 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Oof, that was disappointing. I was really hoping for something after such a rough run of early Fifth Doctor audios in the early big finish range. I like Nyssa, Turlough, and Peri in these early stories. It is great to see them returned in these early stories with the original actors, and they all feel very much in form with their reprisals. Yet Nyssa here in Winter for the Adept is pretty useless, only with a couple interesting stuff around Nyssa's psychic abilities. Peter Davison is pretty great here, too, but on the other hand India Fisher as Peril was notably awful. I'm surprised people enjoy it, as I just found her almost unbearable here, but I'm glad she wound up as Charly down the road as clearly that worked out. Knowing how talented Fisher is, I more blame the writing. The writing is rough, too. I was all excited for an Andrew Cartmel script but it really didn't amount to much of anything. I had a lot of trouble getting through Winter for the Adept as a result of all this, basically forcing myself through the audio just to finish it and be done with the story after several false starts. It is a shame too, because the idea of the plot is a pretty fun one. The idea of a potentially haunted schoolhouse is fun, and there are some moments to Winter for the Adept I appreciated, such as when Nyssa gets rescued on the Alps early on, or when the Doctor causally starts insisting they need to do a seance. That stuff was fine, but too much of this audio is devoted to nonsense about a couple eloping, or other details that hold it back like some lacklustre music (although some impressive special effects to balance that category out a bit, to be fair). All told, it was okay. I don't hate that I listened to it, but I didn't love getting through it, either. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 1