Stories Audio Drama Big Finish Main Range Main Range Episode 3 Whispers of Terror 1 image Overview Characters How to Listen Reviews 19 Statistics Quotes Overview Released November 1999 Written by Justin Richards Runtime 93 minutes Time Travel Unclear Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Countdown, Political commentary Location (Potential Spoilers!) Museum of Aural Antiquities Synopsis The Doctor and Peri find themselves in the Museum of Aural Antiquities, where every sound is stored for posterity — from the speeches of Visteen Krane to security service wire taps and interrogation tapes. But they also find an intruder, mysteriously changed recordings, and a dead body. Before long the Doctor realises that there is more going on than a simple break-in or murder. How can he defeat a creature that is made of pure sound? Listen Listened Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Sixth Doctor Peri Brown Beth Pernell Show All Characters (3) How to listen to Whispers of Terror: Listen on Apple Music Listen on Spotify Big Finish Audio Whispers of Terror Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 19 reviews 23 February 2025 · 90 words Review by joeymapes21 1 Thriller vibes, with great political undertones, feeling particularly relevant to this today, considering the alteration of recordings and footage. The use of a sound based villain shows Doctor Who adapting to its medium perfectly, and can be seen in how the audio Big Finish range will grow moving forward. The performance from Baker is great, even if he continues to feel more of the aloof Doctor we know from TV - this story would fit right in to Season 22, and as a personal favourite season, that's definitely a good thing! joeymapes21 View profile Like Liked 1 13 February 2025 · 84 words Review by greenLetterT 1 In the first 10 minutes or so, Whispers of Terror managed to convince me of something that the entirety of seasons 22 and 23 could not: that the Doctor and Peri actually like each other. Yes, they bicker and snipe, but it feels less outright cruel in tone (and, perhaps moreso, it feels like Peri can give it just as good) Plotwise: fun! This is Big Finish's third story and they're revelling in their audio-based medium, the kind of thing that might one day lead to Scherzo. greenLetterT View profile Like Liked 1 19 January 2025 · 258 words Review by KnuppMello Spoilers This review contains spoilers! É interessante notar o quão ousado “Whispers Of Terror” é, sendo o terceiro trabalho inicial da BIG FINISH – Temos aqui uma história curta e não tão complexa de 1hr e meia envolvendo um pequeno mistério repleto de personagens distintos, um monstro sonoro bem original e uma atmosfera claustrofóbica etérea. É claro que devemos relevar muitos dos problemas de roteiro, ritmo e mixagem presentes no áudio, trata-se dos primórdios da empresa em um momento em que acredito que estavam com recursos limitados eventualmente aprendendo a reproduzir melhor suas histórias para o formato. Um dos maiores destaques na minha opinião é a personalidade do 6° Doctor está muito fiel ao que vemos em suas temporadas na série de TV, os conflitos com a Peri, toda aquela acidez e ego inflado, sua versão mais extrema e “explosiva” como o tal gosta de descrever. Mesmo o enredo parecendo estar meio estático, estacionando em uma única problemática, sua condução e desenvolvimento narrativo torna todo seu cenário instigante envolvendo um conceito que talvez no formato de serie TV ficaria estranho ou existiria uma certa dificuldade de executá-lo bem, parte desse brilho vem de sua atmosfera etérea o grito reverberante assustador de “Tell me, who i am!” é genuinamente perturbador, assim como as vozes desencarnadas e sussurrantes que se entrelaçam ressonando por todo o Museu. Em suma, se tratando de um lançamento inicial - “Whispers Of Terror” é uma história decente que entrega um enredo e um conceito bastante satisfatório. KnuppMello View profile Like Liked 0 18 January 2025 · 253 words Review by doctorwho_reviews76 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Whispers of Terror - 5/10 The idea of the enemy being purely audio is a very intriguing idea and this story feels like the best advert for Big Finish there could be, that being said the actual story itself didn't blow me away but that's not to say it was all bad. I still haven't got heaps of experience with Big Finish in general so the audio format is still quite odd to me, I do however believe Colin works wonderfully in it and has clearly adapted almost instantaneously to the format. The story itself is quite interesting playing into themes of corruption and faking evidence, the premise of it is actually quite relevant today with the rapidly increasing power of Ai forging evidence and audio is easier than ever before. The plot works fine, but there was something about I just found quite dull and boring while listening to it if I'm honest. Im still struggling to not get lost in these audio stories at the moment and I do have to say its getting better with this one feeling a lot more cohesive than the others have done. Overall, Whispers of Terror gets a 5/10 because while I do think the idea of the story is novel I found it in execution to be just be boring at times, I enjoyed the Doctors performance but personally the side characters left a lot to be desired. For my third ever audio adventure at least I can say I feel like the quality is improving. doctorwho_reviews76 View profile Like Liked 1 13 January 2025 · 109 words Review by uss-genderprise Spoilers 5 This review contains spoilers! This is a pretty solid story. The audio format is well utilised, the side cast are all great actors, and the concept of a sound museum is an intriguing one (that tickles me in particular as an enjoyer of both sound and archiving). Unfortunately, I didn't find the story itself all that interesting on its own. I was a little confused about exactly how many people there were and who died when. I found the twist at the end extremely predictable. The entire thing dragged just a bit too much. Maybe I would feel differently had I listened to them in the original order, but...Scherzo did it better. uss-genderprise View profile Like Liked 5 Show All Reviews (19) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating221 members 3.47 / 5 GoodReads AVG. Rating555 votes 3.52 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating246 votes 3.55 / 5 Member Statistics Listened 376 Favourited 18 Reviewed 19 Saved 4 Skipped 1 Owned 17 Quotes Add Quote Submit a Quote